Clay Pit SVRA Cultural Resource Inventory
The cultural resource inventory for Clay Pit SVRA began in October 2007 and involved both archival and archaeological field work by OHMVR Division (Division) archaeologists. The inventory also included an archaeological field survey.
Division archaeologists reviewed historic, prehistoric, and ethnographic literature from a number of archival depositories including the Butte County Historical Society, the Department of Water Resources, the Shields Library at UC Davis, and the California State Library to name a few. The Native American Heritage Commission and Butte County Native American Tribal Representatives were also consulted.
The historical and archaeological data gathered from this inventory will be used to supplement the cultural resource portion of Clay Pit's general plan.
Division archaeologists reviewed historic, prehistoric, and ethnographic literature from a number of archival depositories including the Butte County Historical Society, the Department of Water Resources, the Shields Library at UC Davis, and the California State Library to name a few. The Native American Heritage Commission and Butte County Native American Tribal Representatives were also consulted.
The historical and archaeological data gathered from this inventory will be used to supplement the cultural resource portion of Clay Pit's general plan.
Clay Pit SVRA contains at least six historic-era water ditches related to the gold dredging of Feather River from 1898 to 1916. |
The SVRA also has many present-day landscape features related to the 1964 extraction of soil for the construction of Oroville Dam. | |