About Nonresident OHV Use Permits

All vehicles operated off-highway on public lands in California are required to be (1) street-licensed or (2) registered as an off-highway vehicle (OHV). Purchase of a California Nonresident permit is required:

  1. If you are visiting California from another state and your vehicle does not have a current registration from your home state, you must purchase a California Nonresident OHV Use Permit before you recreate on public lands.
  2. If your state of residence requires residents of California, who have valid OHV registration/identification (green or red sticker registration), to purchase a non-resident permit to recreate in your home state (see Off-Highway Vehicle Information Bulletin 21-1
  3. The Arizona street licensed OHVs are required to purchase a Nonresident Permit to recreate on public lands in California.

A title sticker or title plate is not registration. Additional information is available on the FAQs web page. The Nonresident OHV Use Permit fee is $30. To locate a vendor, please download the vendor list PDF listed below.

The 2024 nonresident permits will be valid from the date of sale through December 31, 2024.

2024 Nonresident permits are on sale now! 
Please check with your preferred vendor to make sure they have permits in stock.

Note: Fees have increased.Fees are now $30/year (valid until December 31, 2024).

Non-California residents must comply with the California Air Resources Board Red Sticker riding season requirements. An Off-Highway Vehicle Information Bulletin explains the background behind the change.
To learn more about the program, please contact a local Ranger or the OHMVR Division at:

California State Parks, OHMVR Division
Nonresident OHV Use Permit Program

Physical Address: 715 P St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 942896, Sacramento, CA 94296
Phone Number: (916) 324-4442
Email: ohvinfo@parks.ca.gov

Arizona Visitors

Please refer to the Arizona OHV Decal Program web page for updated information.