California State Parks and NYPUM Partnership
California State Parks’ Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division and the National Youth Project Using Minibikes (NYPUM) partnered to provide mentoring and education for urban youth through off-highway motorcycle recreation. Using the trail bike in the outdoors, NYPUM captures a young person’s imagination, enthusiasm and harnesses it to promote positive change and growth.
For 50 years, NYPUM has worked nationally with community youth service organizations, including government, nonprofit, and faith-based groups, to help mentor youth using its time-tested mentoring program.
The NYPUM Program, which is free, introduces urban youth, ages 10–17, to fundamental engineering concepts, internships, and studies in environmental stewardship opportunities, helping them build self-esteem and develop self-discipline and leadership abilities. The program also teaches teamwork and responsible riding skills, and provides a way for youth to work together with their communities.
This program can last anywhere between six to eight months. Those who excel are rewarded with a trip to outdoor facilities, such as Hungry Valley or Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRAs), to ride the off-highway motorcycles and learn about the importance of protecting California’s diverse cultural and natural resources. Participants can use trail bikes and equipment anytime during their scheduled programming. All NYPUM activities are fully insured. Employees and volunteers who work as mentors are trained as Certified NYPUM Instructors.
For more information about NYPUM, visit