Eco Friendly Environment
Ecofriendly Reminders
The ocean is a beautifully vast and rugged part of our world! We are fortunate to be able to drive our vehicles onto the sand for the best parking place in SLO county. However we can’t take these things for granted and always need to keep our safety and our oceans safety in mind first!
Here are a few tips and tricks to make our ocean a cleaner and safer place:
- Avoid using sunscreens with several words you can’t pronounce. Chances are they may have chemicals in them that will pollute the ocean and your childs skin.
- Here are some sunscreens we like: (look for ones that say 'reef safe')
- All Good
- Raw Elements
- John Wayne (a small stick of sunscreen and a hat is provided for each child during the program thanks to the John Wayne Cancer Foundation!)
- Utilize clothing items like long sleeve t -shirts, hats and wet suits to avoid needing to use sunscreens all over your body! This will be cheaper in the end too!
- Pack reusable tupperware, bags and water bottles. Avoid single use items plastic bags, plastic bottles etc. I know these are often the best and most convenient snacks, but these items often end up back in our ocean and ingested by our mammalian friends.
- Try a carpooling system! (Check your emails for the contact list I will provide)
- Demonstrate the importance of picking up trash on the beach so it doesn’t go in the ocean!
- Don’t touch the wildlife! Chances are if a cute looking seal is out of the water and up on the beach they are probably sick and may bite.
- Don’t feed the wildlife! While it may be fun to collect a flock of seagulls by making it rain bread crumbs, this is how they start going after our trash, as well as the fact that most human food doesn’t belong in their natural diet and will disrupt the ecosystem.
There are several things you can do at home on a day to day basis to help our human impact on the environment. While all the small things may not seem worthy of causing change, remember they do add up and anything you can do helps! Spread the message and lets keep our planet healthy.