K-12 Education Programs
School Programs
Changing Communities
Local history lesson geared towards grade 3 and 4
Description: Either in the park or in person in your classroom students will learn about the communities that relied on the resources in Corral Hollow Canyon and how they changed over time. Some of the communties that will be explored are the Native Americans (Yokut & Ohlone), coal mining industries, Carnegie Brick Factory, and OHV recreation.
Bring: Participants are encouraged to bring a snack, lunch, water, comfortable walking shoes, and dressed to play in the outdoors.
Duration: 2-3 at park; 1 hour in classroom
Time (In Park): Start at 10 am and end around 12 pm or 1 pm
Standards: This program is geared towards 3rd/4th grade age groups and aligns with the History and Social Science Standards including but not limited to HSS-3.1 - 5 and HSS4.1-4. (Our program may tailored to your group's grade level and curriculum.)
Cost: Free
Group Size: This program can accommodate 1 class.
Nature Everywhere
Local natural resource lesson geared toward your grade level
Description: Explore the parks plants and animal and the different habitats they live in. (Can be adapted to in-classroom)
Bring: Participants are encouraged to bring a snack, lunch, water, comfortable walking shoes, and dressed to play in the outdoors.
Duration: 2 hours at park; 1 hour in classroom
Time (in Park): Start at 10 am and end around 12 pm
Standards: Next Generation Science Standards including but not limited to: K-LS1-1, K-ESS2-2 - K-ESS3-3; 1-LS1-1 & 1-LS3-1; 2-LS2-1 - 2-LS2-12 & 2-LS4-1; 3-LS1-, 3-LS2-1, 3-LS3-2, 3-LS4-3 - 3-LS4-4; 4-ESS2-1, 4-LS1-1 - 4-LS1-2; 5-LS1-1, 5-LS2-1, 5-ESS3-1
(Our program may tailored to your group's grade level and curriculum.)
Cost: Free
Group Size: This program can accommodate 1 class.
If you are interested in participating in a school program please contact fiona.catalano@parks.ca.gov or call (925) 243-2003.