General Plan - Clay Pit SVRA
The Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division of California State Parks has directed the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the proposed Clay Pit State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) General Plan, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and State CEQA Guidelines. The OHMVR Division is the lead agency for the proposed project under CEQA.
The proposed General Plan outlines goals and guidelines that apply to the entire Clay Pit SVRA to address existing issues and to provide on-going guidance for management of the park. The proposed General Plan will be implemented to achieve the long-term vision for the park to provide a safe and convenient place for individuals, families, and groups from the local and regional communities in the greater Oroville area to enjoy high-quality outdoor experiences. The project also includes a proposal to construct new headquarters facilities at Clay Pit SVRA within the next several years. The proposed facilities would provide improvements necessary to enhanced recreation, and provide administration support, maintenance and operations at Clay Pit SVRA. Proposed headquarters facilities include administrative offices, an entrance kiosk, a maintenance yard, and associated upgrading of utilities and roads.
On June 22, 2012, the OHMVR Commission toured the Clay Pit SVRA along with OHMVR Division staff and members of the local community.

The following day, June 23, 2012, the OHMVR Commission unanimously approved the Clay Pit SVRA General Plan at its publicly held meeting in Oroville. The associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Clay Pit SVRA has been certified by the OHMVR Division and a Notice of Determination (NOD) has been filed with the State Clearinghouse.
Notice of Determination [PDF]
The filing of the NOD starts a 30-day statute of limitations on court challenges to the approval under CEQA.
The proposed General Plan outlines goals and guidelines that apply to the entire Clay Pit SVRA to address existing issues and to provide on-going guidance for management of the park. The proposed General Plan will be implemented to achieve the long-term vision for the park to provide a safe and convenient place for individuals, families, and groups from the local and regional communities in the greater Oroville area to enjoy high-quality outdoor experiences. The project also includes a proposal to construct new headquarters facilities at Clay Pit SVRA within the next several years. The proposed facilities would provide improvements necessary to enhanced recreation, and provide administration support, maintenance and operations at Clay Pit SVRA. Proposed headquarters facilities include administrative offices, an entrance kiosk, a maintenance yard, and associated upgrading of utilities and roads.
On June 22, 2012, the OHMVR Commission toured the Clay Pit SVRA along with OHMVR Division staff and members of the local community.

The following day, June 23, 2012, the OHMVR Commission unanimously approved the Clay Pit SVRA General Plan at its publicly held meeting in Oroville. The associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Clay Pit SVRA has been certified by the OHMVR Division and a Notice of Determination (NOD) has been filed with the State Clearinghouse.
Notice of Determination [PDF]
The filing of the NOD starts a 30-day statute of limitations on court challenges to the approval under CEQA.
- Final EIR [PDF 2 MB]
- Notice of Availability [PDF]
- Proposed Clay Pit SVRA General Plan [PDF 8 MB]
- Draft Environmental Impact Report [PDF 9.2 MB]
- Appendices - Clay Pit General Plan [PDF 8.4 MB]
- Appendices - Clay Pit Draft Environmental Impact Report [PDF 2.6 MB]
[Updated 6/27/12]