Geocaching Policy
The purpose of the Ocotillo Wells District Geocaching Policy is to successfully manage the popular activity of Geocaching within the Ocotillo Wells SVRA, Heber Dunes SVRA, and the area known as Truckhaven. The term Geocaching will be used generally to represent not only Geocaching, but related similar activities such as Letter Boxing, Bench Marking, etc.Goal:
The goal of this policy is to provide guidance for the public taking part in Geocaching so the activity can continue in a safe manner while protecting the natural, cultural, and historic resources that are within the Ocotillo Wells District, as well as maintaining public safety. Ocotillo Wells District recognizes the popularity of this activity as well as the opportunity it offers for high quality recreation for individuals, groups, and families. Additionally, Ocotillo Wells District hopes that all participants in this hobby practice the "Cache In Trash Out" (CITO) policy described on the Geocache Website at:
California State Parks, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division is responsible for managing all activities within the Off-Highway Vehicle Parks in the California State Park System. Ocotillo Wells District retains all rights and authority to authorize and manage the activity of Geocaching within its boundaries. If the District Superintendent or Designee determines a cache was placed in violation of this policy, the District Superintendent or Designee retains the right to remove the cache. If a cache is removed, the Ocotillo Wells District will attempt to contact the cache owner and return the cache. If the owner cannot be contacted, the Ocotillo Wells District will handle the cache as lost property as described in the DPR Lost and Found Policy.Cache Placement:
Download PDF of Geocaching PolicyCache Containers:
Download PDF of Geocaching PolicyCache Contents:
Download PDF of Geocaching PolicyOcotillo Wells District is an advocate of responsible outdoor recreation and recognizes the enjoyment, fun, and recreation associated with Geocaching. Ocotillo Wells District recognizes that, in most cases, Geocaching is consistent with California State Parks Mission. Ocotillo Wells District retains the right to remove a cache that it feels is in an inappropriate location, is causing undue impact on the park resources, or for any reason is deemed inconsistent with the mission and/or statutes of the California State Park System.