Permits are required at all SNO-Park locations. 
 Fees are $15/day OR $40/season.

 SNO-Park lots may  also need to be closed for safety during avalanche control operations by CalTrans.

8. Meiss Meadow

MeissMeiss Meadow is located on the north side of Highway 88 near Carson Pass.

Recommended Activities: Cross-country skiing, dog sledding, and snow play.
No snowmobiles.

Overnight Parking/Camping: Per Forest Order 03-22-15, Camping in any undeveloped location within one Ranger District is limited to 10 days during the calendar year.  Additionally, Forest requests that no overnight parking/camping happen while snow removal conditions exist as to not inhibit proper plowing. 
Contact: Eldorado National Forest, Amador Ranger District - (209) 295-4251

GPS: 38º41'46.81"N, 119º59'30.28"W

Meiss Meadow Area Map

Meiss Meadow Parking Map