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Exploring the Future of New Facilities

The Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Access Project is a state initiative lead by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) Strategic Planning and Recreation Services Division, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division, and OHMVR Commission to identify new opportunities for additional OHV facilities in California as mandated by Senate Bill 155 (SB 155). The Where We OHV campaign is the first step in this process, and it involves conducting public outreach and gathering information to evaluate for potential future OHV facilities. The first phase of this effort is anticipated to take about six months, concluding at the end of 2023.

Once a site or series of candidate sites have been identified because of the input and analysis in Phase I, subsequent steps in Phase II will include preparing a preliminary report, feasibility study, and an OHV Recreation Action Plan for the site identified. The Phase II tasks are anticipated to begin sometime in 2024.

The OHMVR Program within State Parks is managed to provide sustainable OHV recreation while conserving and protecting the environment, cultural, and natural resources. To learn more about how State Parks manages State Vehicular Recreation, visit the OHMVR Program webpage and PRC §5090.35.


Try out our new OHV Existing Conditions Map tool. You can use this interactive map to find out where OHV recreation opportunities exist in the state and related amenities like trail systems, camping, staging areas, and more!


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Sign up to receive project updates and upcoming engagement opportunities

Questions or comments?
Email us at: OHVAccessProject@parks.ca.gov.

Family with OHV's

Get Involved!

There will be two primary opportunities to provide input during the first phase of this project during 2023: at the beginning of the process during the visioning stage and toward the end of the effort to learn what sites will be included for additional analysis in Phase II. The outreach program includes community surveys, stakeholder workshops and in person and virtual workshops that will be held in different locations across the state. These meetings are a great opportunity for you to share your input and learn about SB 155 and State Park’s process for identifying and selecting sites for new OHV opportunities. The graphic below identifies some of the of the upcoming outreach opportunities that you can participate in and their general timing.

We encourage you to check back here periodically for meeting updates and other engagement opportunities.


Read the Project Frequently Asked Questions



California State Parks
Strategic Planning and Recreation Services Division

P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA 94296-0001