Environmental Requirement Resources
Providing and maintaining long-term, sustained OHV recreation opportunities are dependent upon good resource management practices by both the Division and through the work of our Grantees. We want to help our grantees succeed and have created this environmental resources page to provide assistance in breaking down the requirements of our program.
Does your Project require a Habitat Monitoring Plan (HMP)? How do you write an HMP? Check out the video to have many of your questions answered.
Two example HMPs below: one for large Project Areas, such as an entire Forest or Field Office, and another for smaller, more discrete Project Areas. Also included below are example maps that correspond to each HMP. These examples can guide Applicants during HMP development.
These guides and videos will assist with both HMP and ERDS requirements
How to Video: Using Calflora to locate Sensitive Plant Species
How to Video: CNDDB Record Search Using BIOS 6
How to Video: Using IPaC to Generate a Federal Resources List
Environmental Forms
OLGA contains links to all updated forms for environmental compliance.
Select Grants & Cooperative Agreements from the Current Grant Section and then choose the cycle you are wishing to find information about. Grant Cycle Environmental documents can be found on the documents tab under that cycle selection.