Foredune Project Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Dec. 18, 2019
What is going on at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area?
State Parks has taken an important step at Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area to improve air quality conditions for nearby communities. On Monday, December 16, the department began fencing off 48 acres of shoreline, commonly referred to as the foredune area. As a result, the camping area between Post 4-1/2 and 6 will no longer be available for camping reservations or vehicle activity.
It is important for visitors to know the following:
- The SVRA’s off-highway vehicle riding area will not be impacted by the closure of the foredune area. State Parks reminds its visitors to employ safe practices and to always be aware of their surroundings. Safety tips are available in English and Spanish at
- State Parks is honoring all current reservations. There is plenty of camping north of Post 4-1/2 and south of Post 6.
State Parks appreciates the patience of visitors as it improves environmental and recreational conditions at Oceano Dunes SVRA, while fulfilling its mission to the public. Updates on the Foredune Project will be posted online at
What does the closure mean?
Effective Jan. 1, 2020, the camping area between Post 4-1/2 and 6 will no longer be available for camping reservations or vehicle activity.
It is important for visitors to know the following:
- The SVRA’s off-highway vehicle riding area will not be impacted by the closure of the foredune area. State Parks reminds its visitors to employ safe practices and to always be aware of their surroundings. Safety tips are available in English and Spanish at
- State Parks is honoring all current reservations. There is plenty of camping north of Post 4-1/2 and south of Post 6.
Where will I camp?
Oceano Dunes SVRA recognizes that this project may displace our visitors historical camping use areas. However, visitors are encouraged to continue to camp between Post 2 ½ and Post 4 ½, as well south of Post 6.
Will my reservations be canceled?
California State Parks will not be required to cancel any existing reservations due to this project. All reservations will be honored. However, should you choose to cancel your reservations, Oceano Dunes District will refund your entire camping reservation fees. Please call ReserveCalifornia to request a refund –
(800) 444-7275.
Why is this project happening?
Supporting recreation at Oceano Dunes SVRA is important, but addressing public health issues that affect all Californians is critical. State Parks has been working with the San Luis Obispo County APCD and the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG), comprised of dune geomorphologists and other scientists, to address air quality issues at the SVRA. The SAG recommended changes that they counsel are necessary to improve air quality.
At a Nov. 18, 2019 San Luis Obispo County APCD Hearing Board meeting, board members voted to adopt an amended stipulated order of abatement (SOA) which included several action items for Oceano Dunes SVRA. The most impactful change is that effective Jan. 1, 2020 the foredune area (Post 4-1/2 and 6,) will no longer be available for camping or vehicle activity.
State Parks’ approach and decisions have been informed by public engagements and in coordination with the California Coastal Commission and air quality experts. The State of California will continue collaborating with experts on how to further reduce air quality issues in the area and increase scientific understanding of the sources of dust, create an effective monitoring system and establish regular reporting on air quality conditions.
How many acres within the foredune area are you closing?
48 acres as of Jan. 1, 2020. Pursuant to the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District’s Stipulated Order of Abatement, additional closures will be made. Updates on the Foredune Project will be posted online at
Have camping access and accommodations been reduced?
Yes. At a Nov. 18, 2019 San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Hearing Board meeting, board members voted to adopt an amended stipulated order of abatement (SOA) which included several action items for Oceano Dunes SVRA. The most impactful change is that effective Jan. 1, 2020, the foredune area (Post 4-1/2 to 6) will no longer be available for camping or vehicle activity. State Parks is reviewing Oceano Dunes SVRA’s operations and making the necessary adjustments to comply with the SOA. New operational changes will be shared with the public as soon as they become available.
Has visitor, day-use capacity changed?
No. The Foredune Project will not affect the visitor, day-use capacity for both Pismo State Beach and Oceano Dunes SVRA.
Is State Parks planning to completely prohibit off-highway vehicle riding at Oceano Dunes SVRA?
What process does State Parks have in place to listen to my concerns?
State Parks welcomes public feedback on the future of Oceano Dunes SVRA. The department is working on a long range, land-use management plan for Oceano Dunes (Public Works Plan). The planning process will include discussions about future recreation at the park. The department has committed to having the plan completed and to the Coastal Commission by summer 2020. Information on the Public Works Plan is available online at The current draft of the plan is open for public feedback until Jan. 24, 2020.
Since you are taking away recreational opportunities with this Foredune Project, are you going to provide new recreational opportunities elsewhere?
Yes. State Parks is working on a long range, land-use management plan for Oceano Dunes (Public Works Plan). The plan will document existing conditions; consider improvement projects and management programs to improve access for motorized and non-motorized recreation opportunities; develop policies and programs; and include a number of site-specific proposed park improvement projects including the Butterfly Grove Public Access, Pismo SB Boardwalk and Oso Flaco Improvement projects.
You are welcomed to submit your feedback on this important process. The department made a commitment to have the plan completed and to the Coastal Commission by summer 2020. Information on the Public Works Plan is available at The current draft plan is open for public feedback until Jan. 24, 2020.
OHV users pay registration fees to ride at Oceano Dunes SVRA? Why are you not protecting our right to recreate?
It is critical that State Parks balances recreation, environmental and public health issues at all of our state parks. Off-highway vehicle recreation is not being banned at Oceano Dunes SVRA. Additionally, the off-highway vehicle riding area will not be impacted by the closure of the foredune area.
What economic impact will this have on the local economy?
Complying with air quality regulatory agencies and addressing public health issues at Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area is very important to the department. State Parks is working on a long range, land-use management plan for Oceano Dunes (Public Works Plan). The planning process will include discussions about future recreation at the park. The department made a commitment to have the plan completed and to the Coastal Commission by summer 2020. Information on the Public Works Plan is available at
What other operational changes are you going to implement at Oceano Dunes?
State Parks is reviewing Oceano Dunes SVRA’s operations and making the necessary adjustments to comply with the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District’s Order of Abatement. New operational changes will be shared with the public as soon as they become available.