2019 Commission Meetings
November 7-8, 2019 Commission Tour and Meeting (Atascadero)
Please select the following link to view the live webcast of the meeting: www.cal-span.org. The meeting video will also be archived at www.cal-span.org.
The following links are supporting documents for specific agenda items:
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Deputy Director Reports:
- ACTION ITEM: The Commission will consider and may take action on making a recommendation to the OHMVR Division Deputy Director regarding U.S. Forest Service Over-Snow Vehicle and Pacific Crest Trail Planning Issues
- DISCUSSION ITEM: The Commission will discuss the adoption of a No-Net-Loss Policy for management of SVRA lands, but will not take action at this meeting.
- Legislation Report
- State Trails Conference / Training Update
- Communications and Social Media
- Program Reports:
- U.S. Forest Service
- Bureau of Land Management
- Administrative Items:
August 13-15, 2019 Commission Tour and Meeting (Kings Beach)
Please select the following link to view the live webcast of the meeting: " href="http://www.cal-span.org/media.php?folder[]=OHMVR" target="_blank">www.cal-span.org. The meeting video will also be archived at www.cal-span.org.
- Tour Agenda - August 13-14, 2019 Tour
- Notice of Meeting
- Meeting Agenda
The following links are supporting documents for specific agenda items:
June 6-7, 2019 Commission Tour and Meeting (Ukiah)
Please select the following link to view the live webcast of the meeting: www.cal-span.org. The meeting video will also be archived at June 6-7, 2019" href="http://www.cal-span.org">www.cal-span.org.
The following links are supporting documents for specific agenda items:
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Legislation Report
- BLM Report
- Deputy Director Reports:
February 28-March 1, 2019 Commission Tour and Meeting (Palmdale)
A link to the video archive of meeting can be found at: www.cal-span.org
The following links are supporting documents for specific agenda items: