American Honda Motor, Co., Inc. Donates Off-Highway Vehicles to California State Parks

Honda OHVs Donation PhotoOn May 20, 2016, American Honda Motor Co., Inc. donated off-highway vehicles (OHVs) ranging from youth motorcycles and ATVs to side-by-sides to the California State Parks, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division during the Hangtown  Motocross Classic at Prairie City SVRA.

Honda partnered with California State Parks to provide OHVs to the Off-Highway Police Activities League (OHPAL) program. OHPAL is a recreation and mentoring program that uses the attraction of OHVs and a comprehensive curriculum to develop positive relationships between peace officers and at-risk youth while fostering safe and responsible OHV recreation.

Lisa Mangat, Director, California State Parks; Maria Mowrey, Deputy Director, OHMVR Division; Ted Cabral, OHMVR Commission Chair; and Paul Slavik, OHMVR Commissioner were present to receive the donation.

Annual Robert Miller Memorial Poker Run for the CALSTAR Hardship Program Held at Hollister Hills SVRA on January 1, 2016

Once again the Hollister Hills SVRA Patrol Volunteers will host the Annual Robert Miller Memorial Poker Run on New Year’s Day, Friday, January 1, 2016.  What a great way to start the New Year! Gather the family and load up the dirt bikes and ATVs for a fun “First Day of 2016” ride. Have fun riding while the donations go to helping others. All donations from the poker run go directly to the CALSTAR Air Ambulance Hardship Program, designed to provide victims of a life threating illness or trauma with rapid air transportation to a hospital regardless of their ability to pay.
Also this year, park visitors are welcome to come by and check out the CALSTAR Emergency Air Ambulance helicopter. Meet the flight staff and emergency response teams from American Medical Response (AMR) of San Benito County, San Benito County Sheriff’s Department Search and Rescue Volunteers, and our own California State Parks Lifeguards (EMTs). Take the opportunity to get a close look at their high-tech emergency response vehicles.

As an annual family event to remember Volunteer Patrol member Robert Miller and raise funds for the CALSTAR Air Ambulance Hardship Program, last year’s donations totaled over $4,000 dollars.  It’s hoped that this year with everyone’s help, the donations will reach the $10,000  mark!

Come out, ride, and help others!


Date: Friday, January 1, 2016
Sign-ups start: 10:00 am
Riders meeting: 11:00 am
CALSTAR landing: 1:00 pm (time may be subjected to changes)
Poker Run ends: 1:45 pm
Winner Announcements: 2:00 pm
Poker Run Entry $20.00 donation - cash or check please (checks made payable to CALSTAR

For additional information or questions, please contact Debra Cable at: (831)636-2068 or

Group Photo CalStar Hardship Poker Run

For Off-Roaders, Challenges, Conservation are Keys

The Sacramento Bee Entertainment & Life, September 7, 2015, Ben Egel
For many, off-roading conjures images of giant engines roaring as they push lifted trucks through muddy ground. Off-roading groups like the California 4-Wheel Drive Association take precautions not to disrupt natural ecosystems, said Del Albright, environmental affairs specialist and BlueRibbon Coalition ambassador. [Read full article ...] [9/14/15]

Eastern Kern County Property Acquisition

The OHMVR Division has successfully acquired approximately 25,000 acres of land in Eastern Kern County. The land acquisition was approved by California’s Public Works Board (PWB) in November 2014 as the Eastern Kern County SVRA, Onyx Ranch project. The newly acquired property is part of the San Andreas District. San Andreas District staff have begun implementing management measures as specified in the Eastern Kern County Property Acquisition Environmental Impact Report (EIR). [Read full article ...] [7/16/15]

USMC Johnson Valley Shared Use Area Temporary Closure Notice, August 1-30, 2016

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is scheduled to temporarily close the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area to the public for military training from August 1-30, 2016. The adjacent Johnson Valley OHV Recreation Area will remain open to the public during the temporary closure. The USMC will work with BLM to address issues associated with the closure of the Shared Use Area. The USMC is implementing an effective public outreach plan to ensure the public is given every opportunity to understand the temporary change in land use. [7/10/15]

Hudner Ranch Open for OHV Recreation at Hollister Hills SVRA

The long awaited opening of the Hudner Ranch 4x4 area located within Hollister Hills SVRA is finally here! The Hudner Ranch provides approximately 15 miles of narrow 4x4 trails spread across nearly 1,600 acres of rolling grasslands, chaparral, and beautiful oak woodlands. [6/12/15]

Two Public Input Meetings Scheduled for Ocotillo Wells SVRA Draft Preferred Alternative/Proposed Action

California State Parks and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will host two public input meetings on the upcoming joint General Plan/Recreation Area Management Plan/California Desert Conservation Area Land Use Plan Amendment (GP/RAMP/LUPA) and Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA). The meetings will provide the public with opportunities to comment on the Draft Preferred Alternative/Proposed Action, as well as the potential environmental effects of the project. [3/9/15]

Pismo State Beach Butterfly Grove