I fully support the attached grant application as submitted by the BLM - Redding Field Office. Since 1981, I have been an active OHV recreation user of the Chappie Shasta OHV area. I have witnessed first hand how well the OHV program and system trails and staging areas have been managed by the administrators and field managers responsible for this program. The BLM is routinely maintaining the OHV support infrastructure up to a high quality of service to the public. As an elected officer of the local OHV club, the Redding Dirt Riders, I work directly with BLM staff to support "Stakeholder" participation with OHV special events, future development opportunities, and provide volunteer services. I can honestly state that this is one of the best OHV managed programs I have experienced in the State of California. It is my honor to full endorse full funding of this grant proposal. Michael Mitchell - 4/3/17

I fully support this grant application and support the Chappie-Shasta Staging Area Improvements as proposed. The current staging area lacks adequate storage support and the infrastructure facilities needed to store equipment and supplies for the proper management of this site. The existing condition of open and unprotected storage is both an eye sore to the general public and does not provide security of public and agency property at the staging area. Michael Mitchell - 4/3/17

BRC has reviewed the three grant proposals and believes they are appropriate based on the fact the agency manages a critically important destination OHV facility that services the rider community from the S.F. Bay Area, Greater Sacramento Area, and many other population centers in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Having toured this area many times over the last few years, BRC believes this program serves as a model for managed OHV recreation in the 21st Century. Don Amador - 3/29/17