Napa County Sheriff's Office
From my perspective as a long-term property owner on Devils Head County Road in the Knoxville Recreation Area, it is my opinion that the Napa County Sherriff’s Department OHV team has done an excellent job of controlling illegal OHV use on Devil’s Head County Road and the Knoxville area in general. Without the Sherriff’s patrols, illegal OHV use would return to the prior unacceptable level that existed with BLM in charge of law enforcement. The presence of the Napa County Sherriff’s Department OHV team has significantly reduced accidents involving illegal OHV use on Devils Head County Road and other BLM roads, trespass onto private property, and minors riding and racing OHVs. The OHV team has also greatly improved an almost complete disregard by some OHV operators for the use of Devils Head County Road by local property owners and the general public. In addition to helping control unsafe OHV use in the Knoxville area, the patrolling by the Napa County Sherriff’s Department OHV team also helps to significantly reduce other illegal activity in this remote location including trespassing on private property, illegal hunting, garbage dumping, and unlawful firearms discharge. In reality, the Napa County Sherriff’s Department OHV team is the only law enforcement presence in the Knoxville area. With no land-line telephones and only very limited cell phone service, property owners and the general public are totally dependent on the Napa County Sherriff’s Department OHV team in the event of a medical emergency, law enforcement issue, or violence of any type. Property owners highly value the law enforcement presence provided by the Napa County Sherriff’s Department OHV team and it’s positive effect on OHV usage in the Knoxville Recreation Area. I strongly support the Napa County Sherriff’s Office 2016/2017 application for grant funds from the California Off Highway Motor Vehicle Division. Joseph Erasmy - 3/28/17