Urban Corps of San Diego County
The Trust for Public Land fully supports the efforts of The Back Country Land Trust and Urban Corps of San Diego to protect and restore the Clover Flat property in Campo, California. The proposed project would deter unauthorized OHV use on habitat for listed species such as the arroyo toad and Quino checkerspot butterfly and would help to uphold the conservation and working lands purposes for its acquisition, of which The Trust for Public Land was a critical partner. Furthermore, restoration of the sites is a component of the property's management plan (in process) and presents an opportunity for Urban Corps and The Back Country Land Trust to engage OHV riders and the public at large in a thoughtful dialogue about recreation planning and appropriate OHV access. Your grant would help this much-needed effort in the San Diego Backcountry. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Virginia Esperanza Lorne Field Representative The Trust for Public Land - 4/3/17