USFS - San Bernardino NF - Patrol District
Proposed Project · You state there are 52 miles of green sticker trail, The SBNF Ground Ops grant proposal says there are 65 miles of green sticker trail. With completion of Baldy Mesa OHV Trail construction you need to update the 52 miles of trail in the LE grant proposal to 65 miles. · The 221 miles of green sticker routes is incorrect. With the completion of the new Baldy Mesa Trail Construction, there are now 234 mile of green sticker routes. Please update the proposal to reflect the new number. · You state there are 6 full time District Forest Protection Officers in the OHV program but you are only requesting funds for 4 of them in this proposal so change 6 to 4 to correct this item. Project Cost Estimate · Cost per hour for Law Enforcement Officers seems low. Does this reflect the recent wage increase in 2017 and did you plan for potential cost increases in 2018 when these grant funds would be utilized? Stacy Gorin - 4/3/17