BLM - Palm Springs South Coast Field Office
My name is Brendan Hughes and I am the Lands Manager with the Mojave Desert Land Trust. We wholeheartedly support the Palm Springs Field Office's OHV grant for route signing in the NECO area. We believe this will protect and preserve habitat for the desert tortoise and other wildlife by keeping vehicle use on established, designated trails. We support this OHV grant and hope that it is fully funded. Thank you. Brendan Hughes Mojave Desert Land Trust - 3/27/17
My name is Brendan Hughes and I am the Lands Manager with the Mojave Desert Land Trust. We support the Palm Spring Field Office's OHV grant request for Law Enforcement funding for 2017-2018. Law enforcement is critical to control unauthorized OHV use in order to protect habitat and wilderness boundaries. We hope that this grant is fully funded. Thank you for your consideration. Brendan Hughes Lands Manager Mojave Desert Land Trust - 3/27/17
I have a couple additional comments regarding the BLM Palm Springs NECO Route Signing Grant. First, I am glad that BLM plans on using a youth conservation crew to do much of the field work for this grant. It appears that FIELD crews are specifically requested. I have heard good things about FIELD crews, but hopefully other conservation crews will have a chance to compete for this project, such as the California Conservation Corps, Student Conservation Association, LA Conservation Corps, and Urban Conservation Corps. Also, MDLT supports the Palm Springs field office's move to utilize drone technology to more effectively and efficiently manage its land and projects. Using a drone will save staff time, as well as wear and tear on vehicles and actual staff members. When used correctly, drones can be powerful tools for improving land management practices. Thank you for your consideration. Brendan Hughes - 3/28/17
I fully support the proposed signing program for the Northern and Eastern Colorado Desert to maintain and enhance signage along designated OHV routes to promote protection of natural and cultural resources. The area proposed for this project includes lands within the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP), which protects 27 endangered/threatened/rare species including desert tortoise. Well maintained signage on OHV routes helps promote conservation of natural habitat, as well as encouraging good safety practices by OHV users. The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC) works closely with the Palm Springs South Coast Field Office on conservation, management and monitoring of CVMSHCP lands. The CVCC includes elected representatives from the cities from Palm Springs east, Riverside County, and local water agencies. I encourage your favorable consideration of this grant request. Katie Barrows Director of Environmental Resources Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Coachella Valley Association of Governments - 4/3/17
I encourage your support of the proposal submitted by BLM Palm Springs to provide additional funding for law enforcement to ensure the protection of sensitive natural habitats, rich cultural resources and to ensure the safety of those enjoying public lands. The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission is actively purchasing habitat lands for the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP), which overlaps some of the area included in this proposal. The CVMSHCP protects 27 endangered/threatened/rare plant and animal species on lands including Windy Point, Coachella Valley Preserve, Indio Hills, and Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument. Law enforcement is essential to the protection of natural and cultural resources as well as public safety and BLM ranger staff are stretched too thin. The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC) works closely with the Palm Springs South Coast Field Office on conservation, management and monitoring of CVMSHCP lands. The CVCC includes elected representatives from the cities from Palm Springs east, Riverside County, and local water agencies; many of these agencies are also partners with BLM in law enforcement efforts. This is a very important project that deserves full funding. Katie Barrows Director of Environmental Resources Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Coachella Valley Association of Governments - 4/3/17