I would like to see more patrol in areas that are being impacted with off designated route OHV use in the Black Lassic Wilderness and the Lassic Botanical area on the Six Rivers NF. New signage where fires burned in 2015. Prioritize problem areas where OHV is causing damage as well as popular OHV designated routes in the Pilot Creek motorized trail system area. Protect open glades in order to control spread of noxious weeds sign and patrol problem areas. There is a real need for law enforcement presence on the National Forests. Education and visitor contacts during hunting season & throughout summer is needed. There are too many illegal things happening on the landscape in regards to the marijuana industry from private lands within the boundaries of National Forest where vehicle and OHV use is causing damage to resources on Forest Service lands resulting in undesignated routes or using routes not designated for OHV. Angelique Russell - 3/16/17

I fully endorse the portion of this OHV grant application as it applies to areas within the boundaries of the Shasta Trinity National Forest. I do not have adequate knowledge of the law enforcement, (LE) needs and issues within the boundaries of the Six Rivers National Forest. I have met with the LE Patrol Captain responsible for the Forest Service LE program. We had an excellent discussion about the "ground operations" and emphasis areas as related to ongoing activities on the Shasta Trinity NF. The attention the grant has placed on OHV user education in this application is a strong point and one I support 100%. Michael Mitchell - 4/3/17

We strongly support this application for funding. The Six Rivers National Forest which includes the Smith River National Recreation Area would very much benefit from funding for a Forest-wide OHV Law Enforcement program including safety and education, responsible OHV use, and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and management objectives. Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, Grant Werschkull, Executive Director Smith River Alliance - 4/3/17