USFS - Sierra National Forest
I’m writing this letter of support of the Sierra National Forest work with for Sierra National Forest (SNF) to improve OHV opportunities for the greater public. The Sierra National Forest has an immense amount of work to do on the OHV Trails and I support their request for grant funding to provide tools, supplies, road and trail directional signs, route markers, safety gear and equipment to support their work in the Sierra National Forest. The Sierra National Forest needs this funding in order to perform the much required road and trail maintenance. Much work is needed to insure that legal OHV trails and forest roads are kept open for public OHV use and to reduce potential adverse conditions. The continued reduction of the Forest Service road and trail maintenance budget has caused roads and trails to deteriorate to an unacceptable condition. Lack of proper maintenance has led to drainage structure failure and water quality degradation. Brush encroachment and downed trees on some roads and trails has begun to restrict motorized access and use. Many of these roads and trails provide access to and from developed campgrounds, dispersed camping areas, and recreational destination points. This work activity will be focused on roads and trails that provide a variety of motorized uses. Trails provide varied levels of difficulty from easy, to difficult, to more difficult. This project will improve motorized access, water quality, signage, and enhance the overall OHV experience within the SNF. Michael McGarity - 3/15/17
The USFS is grossly underfunded for the work that needs to be done, as a member of the Stewards of the Sierras I have seen the need for grant funds to be directed to projects related to OHV use. please fund this grant. Edward Mann - 3/30/17