Amador County Sheriff's Office
***SUPPORT*** Amador County Sheriffs Office (ACSO) has historical Law Enforcement Grant Applications that have been approved. Amador County has a key State Route HWY 88 corridor that leads to many legal OHV recreation area year round, with most destinations by OHV users based upon locations within the USFS areas, and tie ins to El Dorado NF, and 2 counties border this area and both counties have also applied for Law Enforcement Grants. This is important, as LE services for OHV recreation can and due include health and safety issues. As most OHV recreationists come from Counties outside of Amador County for recreation, especially on 3 Day weekends such as Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and winter OHV sports on both Presidents Holidays, it makes good sense to have LE on hand for those busy weekends. Areas of OHV usage, Summer and Winter draws many recreationists to Amador County due to close proximity to Sacramento, Eldorado, San Joaquin, Placer, Alpine and many other counties population bases, thus an LE Grant for the volume of recreationists that visit this county makes sense. Visitation is also heavy in summer from Nevada residents also that come to the area to get away from the heat, and camp and recreate in USFS areas. D36 would like to suggest that ACSO apply for Search & Rescue Grant funds, as our terrain in the alpine areas may need equipment and supplies for Amador Country Search & Rescue operations with its excellent S&R Program. In many cases, ACSO staff can be on site quicker to OHV locations, thus if medical situations occur, this is faster than Eldorado County SO staff due to distance and driving time for 1st. on scene. D36 supports Education over Citation WHERE APPROPRIATE. D36 suggest that ACSO LE Staff keep a plentiful supply of the current OHV Maps for the area with them on patrols as handouts. Many folks do NOT stop at USFS ranger stations to secure these, and some "new to OHV" may not know these even exist. District 36 supports the Grant Application at the Full Requested amount, and they have a great working relationship with the Amador USFS Ranger Station staff. the commitment of full matching funds from a small county speaks volumes about this grant, especially in light of storm damage to roads from this winters wrath of rain and snow. D36 has always supported LE Grants to protect the public. We also ask the ACSO to offer courtesy LE attendance, if requested, by 2 USFS Permitted Events that are held each year by the Polka Dots Motorcycle Club. We would also ask that Staff attend Sound Testing clinics offered by CA State Parks OHMVRD, and for next year, to apply for a Certified Sound Meter in their law enforcement Grant for next year. And, for next year - review options for Grant Funding for ACSO Search & Rescue Program. The S&R program is top notch, with year round operations OHV recreation, this program could assist OHV recreationists in need for an abundance of reasons or issues. Please contact OHMVRD Grants Administrators for more information on what ACSO can apply for. Dave Pickett D36 Legislative Action Office Director - D36 Motorcycle Sports Committee CC Rick Hopson, USFS Amador Ranger District Sheriff Ryan, Amador County Sheriffs Office Brian Oneto, Amador County Board of Supervisors - 3/10/17