USFS - Inyo National Forest
My family and I had recreated at Glass Creek and Big Spring campgrounds for many years prior to moving to Big Pine,10 years ago. We continue to use these facilities as they are rustic yet very beautiful. The fact that they are run by the Forrest Service and not a private concessionaire , helps to keep the experience simple and unincorporated. As a local, the biggest problem I have is that when I want to go camping, I have to fight against reservation services to find a spot to camp. With these Forrest Service Campgrounds it's easy, if the spot is open it's open, first come, first served. The impact that a this Grant could have on preserving a simple yet wonderful experience to all who visit, would be vast. Thank you for your time, Jerry Fie - 3/10/17
This proposal should be funded as it will actively engage local user groups in maintaining and improving OHV recreational opportunities, thereby multiplying the beneficial impact of the requested funds. My fellow members of the Eastern Sierra 4x4 club and I are committed to working with the other groups in our community and the USFS on this series of on-going projects so that all the visitors to our area have an enjoyable OHV experience. Of special interest to ES4WD is accurate data on the level of use of OHV roads. The data the USFS currently has available is very questionable. When a list of "does not exist" roads provided by the USFS was recently field checked using a statistical valid sample, 80% of the roads listed were found to actually exist, although some were obviously infrequently used. Accurate information on the status of roads would be very useful for everyone involved in maintaining and regulating OHV recreation. John Shepherd - 3/22/17
This proposal will maintain and enhance OHV recreational opportunities in the area and should be funded. The USFS has already committed significant funds ($200K) to upgrade some existing toilet facilities to meet regulatory requirements rather than being forced to close them. I speak from personal experience as an OHV user, that upgrading toilets at Hartley Springs, and Class Creek will definitely improve the esthetics of recreational experience in the area! The addition of accessible picnic tables, fire rings and other infrastructure will also improve the recreational experience, especially for those, like my wife, who have mobility issues. This is a great area for OHV recreation and would benefit significantly from funding this request. John Shepherd - 3/22/17
This grant proposal should be approved and fully funded. Our area is a playground for Los Angeles and OHV activities are a significant part of the tourism that supports the economy in the Eastern Sierra. This grant will help with the management of the OHV resources in our area and is a good use of our "green sticker" funds. Thank You. Patrick Woods - 3/28/17
Camping is one of the best experiences you can have in the back country, It is is the best way to connect to and appreciate what the Forest has to offer. The Eastern Sierra 4x4 Club looks forward to the opportunity to partner with the INF on this project. Mike Johnston - 3/29/17
The Inyo National Forest (INF) is doing a good job of reaching out to the public for input and assistance on this vast and diverse Forest. This grant provides opportunities for the INF to utilize the local user groups to help maintain and improve the OHV activities. The Eastern Sierra 4x4 Club has already begun to make some repairs due to the severe winter this year and looks forward to forthcoming projects to help the Forest. When the INF partners with the user groups they both come out ahead. The users learn more about the archaeology, biology and geology, and therefore sensitivity of the forest. The INF can gain knowledge on what is important to the users and how the public lands can be shared by multiple user groups. The INF provides wonderful recreation opportunities for the OHV community. Updating and maintaining trails and camping areas are difficult tasks and this grant will help to keep us moving forward. We are glad to see the money used to make the public lands more enjoyable for the public, and not to prevent the public's use of the lands. Mike Johnston - 3/29/17
I am in favor of approving this grant that will allow OHV campground facility upgrade & improvements. The 5 campgrounds that would be improved with this grant are some of the most visited in the INF. They are along the popular 395 corridor just bit north of the towns & Mammoth & June Lakes. All have excellent access to the extensive & highly popular OHV Trail Systems in the areas. If this grant is not approved, the toilet systems will not be upgraded to meet current EPA requirements and by law will be permanently closed. Closing of these campgrounds will limit visitor traffic and will have a very negative financial effect on Inyo County & the towns of Mammoth & June Lake. Keeping them open with this grant will keep visitors returning and it will also protect our environment with a much needed improved toilet systems. For the continued welfare of the INF & our environment this is a worthwhile grant...please approve. John McVicker - 3/31/17
I am in favor of funding this grant for maintenance in the INF. I am a member of the Eastern Sierra 4wd Club. Last year we partnered with the INF & other community groups on several maintance projects. This grant will allow this partnership to continue & even flourish during 2017-2018. These continued maintenance projects will ultimately save money by delaying and/or eliminating the need for many repairs down the line. Right now there is a lot of support from groups like the ES4WD Club that want to pitch in and help the FS... The iron is hot, let's not lose this momentum, please approve this grant. John McVicker - 3/31/17
The Monache Property Owners support this Grant Request with some reservations. As in the past several years, a Grant Request for a South Zone FPO has been requested and approved by the Grants Staff. During Grant cycle G15 this position was not staffed and approved funds had to revert back to the OHV Grant Fund. If the INF cannot staff this position the funds requested should be reduced and made available to other needed Organizations. During the past year when the FPO was not staffed at Monache, considerable illegal Off-Road activity was noticed including OHV riding up and down the South Fork of the Kern River riverbed. In Line Item 6, page 9 and in Line Item 6.1, page 15, of the Grant Request it states “Backcountry field per diem for Monache Ranger (funded 50% with this grant and 50% with LE grant) - 50 days.”. No mention has been made in the corresponding LE Grant Request G16-02-34-L01 of this shared activity. It is also requested that the INF revise this Grant Application to include the construction of a vehicle barrier / gate at the South Sierra Wilderness Boundary of Road 20S05 similar to that installed at the Golden Trout Wilderness Boundary of Road 20S06. This is a point of entry into the Sequoia National Forest portion of the South Sierra Wilderness from the Inyo National Forest. As this is a mutual issue, it is suggested that half the cost of this barrier be mutually shared by the Sequoia National Forest and that their Grant Request G16-02-15-G01 be revised accordingly. Construction of this barrier has previously been made by the INF LEO and in the Monache FPO’s 2015 Final Report. Dion Salfen - 4/1/17
This brief statement is to express my support for the USFS - Inyo National Forest: Ground Ops, Maintenance and Operations 2018 grant request. In combination with the Law Enforcement grant request, this project should help to provide a sustainable OHV experience within the forest. Increased visitation to the forest and unusual weather conditions (winter) have combined to create an urgent need for additional help. William Mitchel - 4/2/17
This is to support approval of the USFS - Inyo NF - Patrol District: Law Enforcement grant request. I am a mountain hiker and have hiked in many parts of the Inyo National Forest over the last 17 years. Over that time period I have seen an increase in use of OHVs with a considerable number of illegal routes having been created. There are both trails created that are used over and over and there are one-time incursions. Both of these are damaging to resources and they continue unabated due to lack of law enforcement on the forest. Population explosion, the use of the internet and GPS type devices have let to increased illegal OHV activity and it will only increase without adequate law enforcement. With the inadequate funding that the USFS receives from Congress, there is no hope of managing OHV activity in a responsible manner. This grant request is a step in the right direction so I urge your approval. William Mitchel - 4/2/17
Hi Marty, my name is Sharon Connor. I was at the open house a couple of weeks ago 3/16. First, thanks for hosting the open house, it was helpful. Since we are in the comment period I thought it would be a good idea to put in my comments to the Forest Service, the BLM and the county, in writing.
My comments to each of the entities was that I think it is a very bad idea to invest in an OHV economy, the dream of the Adventure Trails project. A significant influx of OHV's is only going to scare away our tourists who count on the Eastern Sierra for its serenity and a chance to commune with nature.
I understand that the Forest Service has a multi use mission. But motorized vehicle recreation is the only form of recreation that is absolutely incompatible with any other. So there needs to be a very significant buffer zone between OHV's and other forms of recreation. OHV recreation also leaves a far bigger footprint than any other on our landscapes, and this has to be taken into account in the balance. I am in favor of restoration projects and monitoring and patrol on existing routes. And signage may be helpful. But we have all seen signs of damage where dirt bikes go off into the brush, which is clearly not on any route. The more vehicles we have, the more damage we will have, even it is a small percentage of users who don't follow the rules.
So while I realize we have an enthusiastic local OHV community and some tourists who come from out of town, and that's fine, I would be against any effort to expand/promote OHV tourism in the Eastern Sierra. Thank you--Sharon Connor - 3/30/17