I, and the 25 members of our California-based OHV club, very strongly support the granting of OHV funds for these Ground Operations in the Eldorado NF that provide completion of all trail & route maintenance required, such that the below named routes can be available for public recreation at the most earliest date possible: Clover Valley Road/Deer Valley Trail (09N83/19E01) Blue Lakes Road (9N01) Carson Emigrant National Recreation Trail (17E24) Hungalelti Ridge Trail (16E26) Long Valley Trail (17E28) Pardoe's Trail (8N03 & connections to 16E26) Strawberry 4WD Trail 17E73 (10N13) Little Round Top 17E16 These routes have been closed to public recreation for much too long a period (several years) and must be re-open as quickly as possible. Thank you. Paul Enstrom - 3/9/17

BRC has reviewed the two grant proposals and commends/supports the Forest for their ongoing and effective OHV trail management program which includes armoring trails, installing trail delineators, and maintaining soil erosion structures such as rolling dips and sediment catch basins. Don Amador - 3/29/17