These comments are provided on behalf of the Central Coast Motorcycle Association/California Trail Users Coalition. We would like to request changes to the following items. 1. Equipment use - match - $2175.00 The CCMA provides equipment use as match, at least 5 days of 3/4 ton 4X4 diesel pickup truck @$225/day, plus a 14,000 lb equipment trailer @ $90/day; 1 ton trailer @$45/day plus UTV@$75/day. The truck and trailer is used to transport the CCMA trail dozer or mini excavator for volunteer trail maintenance. This equipment is also used to support Trails Unlimited maintenance operations as needed. Volunteer support allows Trails Unlimited to effectively split their crew to work at two locations at certain times. 2. Contract grading of Maintenance Level 2 roads and motorized trails - match - at least $10,000. The CCMA hires local contractors to do grading on selected Level 2 roads and 2 track 4X4 motorized trails, at least 3 miles per year, to be provided as match. 3. Cal Fire crew - $5400 match - at least 3 days @ $1800/day value. Each year the CCMA hires Cal Fire crews to do hand maintenance on single track trails. 4. CCMA fencing contract work - $2000 match - Each year the CCMA hires a fencing contractor to do barrier construction and repairs for approximately $2000. 5. The CCMA would like to decrease the number of days of volunteer dozer time from 10 days to 5 days because Trails Unlimited will be doing most of the trail grading this year and 10 days of volunteer time will not be needed. Bruce Whitcher - 3/30/17

These comments are provided on behalf of the Central Coast Motorcycle Association The MPRD system was originally a well designed and maintained system but has been subject to much deferred maintenance over the past 7-10 years due to the substantial decline in the Forest Service Recreation budget. This system has long been a designated trail system and most unauthorized user created routes were identified and mapped during Travel Management around 2007. There has recently been renewed volunteer interest in the area. Although an assessment of the trail system is needed at this time, we would hope that this will not be a duplication of work presently done on the district. For example the HMP is updated each year, and a Soils Conservation Plan is filed each year. Most trails on the Forest have also received heritage surveys. In addition, the Los Padres recently underwent a Supplemental EIS for the Forest Plan Revision that included an extensive analysis of the road and trail system done by a collaborative, in particular roads and trails located in IRA's as well as user created trails. The SEIS includes a full set of highly detailed maps of the system. This information is still available from the Forest Planning web site. The Supplemental EIS rezoned over 300,000 acres of the Los Padres to "Back County Non-Motorized" and much of the trail system, with the exception of Ballinger, exists within designated corridors. A Forest Plan amendment would be required to reroute or relocate outside their designated corridor, which is an important planning consideration. Nevertheless this project would help plan for future maintenance needs and hopefully assure that the area will continue to be available for use by future generations. Central Coast Motorcycle Association, Bruce Whitcher - 3/30/17

The Grant request is supported and should provide worthwhile information, specifically how the MPRD interfaces with the adjacent Hungry Valley State Vehicle Recreation Area. Dion Salfen - 4/1/17

This Grant request is supported with one exception. The Grant Request for the Sequoia National Forest, Line Item 13, page 10 should be rejected and deleted in its’ entirety. Use of the Sequoia National Forest Trail Crew has diverted the SNF Trail Crew from performing necessary maintenance on its’ own Forest trails which have not been fully performed for the past several years. The Los Padres National Forest must develop their own Trail Maintenance Crew Program and not divert this critical resource from other Forest’s. When the LPNF steps up to the plate and develops their own Trail Crew Program, I will support. Dion Salfen - 4/1/17

As an avid, long time user of the OHV trails that will be serviced by this grant I can assure you that approval and full funding of the grant is very much needed on the Los Padres National Forest. Four generations of our family have been making many forms of recreational use of these trails and roads including OHV, camping, hunting, fishing and more. Being a volunteer group leader for going on six years doing monitoring and maintenance on these trails, I can tell you first hand that there are still many repairs that are needed and much room for improvements to help prevent future problems. The heavy rainfall we experienced this last winter has not only compounded the existing problems but also started new ones. I would like to caution however that the Mount Pinos District has some of the most epic advanced trails around and steps should be taken to make sure that these trails are not downgraded simply for the convenience of mechanized maintenance. Phil Pulley, President, Ventura County Motorcycle Club - 4/2/17

I live on the Central Coast and use the OHV trail system in the Santa Lucia District and the Mount Pinos District. Aside from the Oceano Dunes, these trail system provide nearly all of the OHV opportunities on the Central Coast; recognizing that the Mount Pinos District is also used by riders coming from a much broader area. The Mount Pinos District has a substantial amount of high quality trails that are in critical need of maintenance. I strongly support the Los Padres grant application. Dennis Law - 4/3/17