Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office
There are enough real issues going on in Santa Barbara county to be wasting funds on chasing kids having fun down. Deny this wasteful use of public funds. Brian Stevens - 3/8/17
I strongly oppose the requested funding and find it troubling the Sheriff's Department would even consider spending nearly $200k. I grew up near the corner of 8th and Cherry in Lompoc. Three of my immediate neighbors and used to ride our ATCs down to the riverbed. It kept us OUT of trouble. Lompoc has struggled in the past 25 years. Please... lay off kids & folks trying to have a little fun. Those other places mentioned to ride are FAR away. Sincerely, Evan Larson, P.E. - 3/8/17
This area is continuously riddled with trash and transients. It needs to be cleaned up. Karen McCormick - 3/8/17
I support fully this grant application. I am a resident within the of the City of Lompoc in very close proximity to the Santa Ynez riverbed in the area mentioned in the grant as particularly impacted by illegal activity. The riverbed is commonly dry and used illegally by off road vehicles. Local residents and habitat are disturbed by the traffic, both on local streets within the riverbed and also surrounding banks. A local bike/walking path adjacent to the riverbed is driven on and across to enter the riverbed. Light rain and muddy conditions especially act like a magnet to OHVs to engage in illegal activity. Additional illegal activity during dry weather is committed by a large and expanding homeless population. The County supports local housing and residential opportunities for the homeless but it is insufficient to the need despite all ongoing efforts. Camping in the riverbed has grown exponentially by virtue of the growth in population and insufficient law enforcement. Again, local residents living adjacent to the riverbed, including a City Park are adversely affected by transient foot traffic, and in fact, attendant drug traffic and violence. Visible and tangible improvements have been made by the Sheriff's department use of past grant money and I have no doubt that further improvements and efficiency will be achieved. Their approach and grant application is comprehensive and thoroughly adapted to local circumstances. Responsible and legal OHV usage is generally supported and will be enhanced by approval of this grant application. Finally, the City of Lompoc Police Department has informed local residents that they have a jurisdictional conflict with the County and also lack four wheel OHVs to aid the manage and enforcement of the law. We are informed the County has primary responsibility for enforcement and also lacks adequate resources to meet the unique nature of the need for management, patrol, and enforcement. I have read the grant application in full and enthusiastically support the funding of this grant to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department. James Downey - 3/10/17
I am OPPOSED to this application. There are MANY more important public safety issues facing the the residents of Santa Barbara county than this. Just because there is "other peoples money" available doesn't mean the voters of this county want it spent tracking down off road enthusiasts. Just enforce the existing laws with the existing resources you have. There is no mandate to grow your activities in this area and thus, refocus away from more critical public safety issues across this County. Remember, this is not FREE MONEY, Tax Payers are working hard to provide funding for meaningful law enforcement activities! Randy Stabin - 3/13/17
I believe this money should be put towards making a safe place for ATV riders in the area to enjoy their recreation. Enforcing stricter laws would force current riders to find other illegal areas. Opening a place for recreational use or allowing riders to use public property, would diminish the illegal use of private property and make everyone happy. Conner G Stanton - 3/13/17
I strongly support this grant application. Evidence of illegal OHV activity in the Santa Ynez River basin is obvious to the casual observer. This activity not only damages invaluable habitat, but creates a venue for other illegal activities that endanger the population. Please support our sheriff's office in their effort to patrol and end this illegal activity. Sharyne Merritt - 3/16/17
I am an environmental scientist working for the Central Coast Water Board. I have been conducting water quality monitoring in the Santa Ynez River for 15 years and have observed and documented the destructive effects of illegal OHV use in the Riverbed. The Santa Ynez River is important habitat for several protected species including steelhead trout and OHV activity has a direct negative impact on the habitat used by this and other species. Increasing the recourses available to the Santa Barbara Sheriffs Department for enforcement in the River will help to reduce the impacts. Our water quality monitoring program will continue to collect data and document the physical and chemical health of the River and will be able to provide evidence of improved habitat should the OHV activity be eliminated. Mary Hamilton - 3/15/17