BLM El Centro grants are vital to maintaining precious recreation in Imperial County that is so loved by so many. These grant amounts should be higher given the huge number of guests who travel to recreate there. It is a shame they are not able to increase their match. It is my understanding that since the grant requests were submitted to the State, El Centro BLM has completed a number of old grants. Their grant scores should be updated to reflect this work. Ed Stovin – 3/30/16

This grant request should be approved to continue the operation and maintenance of the BLM areas located in the Imperial Sand Dunes recreation Area (ISDRA). The large number of visitors requires maintenance of the rest rooms and maintenance of the roads and camping areas. The BLM does an outstanding job on these maintenance requirements but is hampered by a lack of Federal appropriations so this grant is vital to continue to provide these services for the thousands of visitor's to the ISDRA each year. Richard Hollliday – 4/4/16