USFS - Inyo National Forest
This grant is needed to make the OHV/OSV experience in the Inyo National Forest (INF) both safe and to also reduce detriments to the forest. These on-the-ground efforts will make the road and trail systems easier to use and thereby keep the users within the legal routes. Furthermore, it became apparent this last summer that data within the INF system contained inconsistent terminology and various inaccuracies. Many routes were incorrectly declared "likely not needed" due to a lack of use when, in fact, they are well used. Better documentation of the routes will help to determine the amount of use and therefore the level of needed repairs and maintenance. This will create much better decision making. Mike Johnston - 3/31/16
The 2009 Travel Management decision closed over 600 miles of existing routes in the Inyo National Forest. This represented approximately 20% of the OHV routes. Many of those routes were rightly closed and continued efforts to keep them closed is appropriate. Unfortunately, there were some mistakes made, and some of those roads should be re-opened instead of continuing the cost to keep them closed. The Forest needs to make the effort to re-open routes that the public wants to use (ineffective closure points). The Forest has continued the effort to close more routes by declaring over 800 roads as "not needed" in the 2015 Draft Travel Analysis Report but makes no effort to open any routes. In addition to seeking a grant for "Restoration" (keeping routes closed) the Forest should ask for a grant to re-open some roads. Mike Johnston - 3/31/16
Although I support restoration of damage caused by OHV licensed vehicles I strongly recommend that this Grant be denied. First, the restoration techniques used by the Inyo Nation Forest are deplorable as evidence of their work in the South Zone, specifically Monache Meadow. Their eye sore technique of scattering dead limbs, trees rocks, boulders around the ground makes it look like a trash heap when they leave. Besides the visual pollution, it just brings attention to improper OHV use. Second, the Forest has not delineated the damaged caused by Green/Red Sticker vehicles (M/C, ATV, Side-by-Side) vs. damaged caused by Off Road travel by other vehicles. Although I strongly support restoration efforts associated with damage caused by resisted OHV vehicles I do not think it appropriate that the OHV Grant Funds be spent restoring damage caused by "Joe Smuck" in his 4X4 Pickup or Jeep. Third, there is a major disparity between the grant request and the forecasted match (27%). Dion Salfen – 4/4/16
The Private Property Owners and Cattle Permitees support this request as it pertains to the Monache Patrolman. Having a FPO in the Monache area these past two years has been very effective in controlling the OHV traffic especially those entering from the SNF. A little more coordination with the SNF Blackrock FPO would be helpful, especially as to South Sierra Wilderness incursions. As written it is stated that the Monache Patrolman would be shared 50/50 with the LE Grant Request (G15-02-39-L1). There is no mention in the LE request of this sharing. Further there is a disparity in the hourly rates for the Monache FPO between this Grant request and that for the Law Enforcement Grant request. For proper oversight of Monache visitors, campers, fisherman, hunters as well as OHV users, it is requested the Monache FPO duty days be changed to Thursday through Monday from Wednesday through Sunday. Dion Salfen – 4/4/16