USFS - Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
In general, I support this grant. It is good to see the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) stepping up, working with the users and getting the right things taken care of on our trails. Of course the grant is not perfect. My biggest problem with the grant is the LTBMU claiming route 16E16 as a LTBMU trail when in fact it is a Tahoe National Forest (TNF) trail. The trail appears on the Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) of each forest. After a little research, I found the Tahoe National Forest “Route Inventory Map” dated May 24, 2005. It clearly shows 16E16 starting and ending in the TNF and that 85% of the trail is within the TNF. The TNF has, in the past, received OHV grant funds for maintenance of 16E16. Funding for the LTBMU to do anything on that trail should be declined. If the LTBMU does receive grant funding for 16E16, I still have issues with the LTBMU plans. The trail is a single track motorcycle trail, not the “ATVs 50” or less” trail as stated in the grant. The trail does not need a 14’ steel gate. Wrong size and wrong approach as unfortunately, motorcycles will just go around. A better approach is using large logs on their sides on either side of the legal entrance to the trail and a smaller gate that would somehow allow mountain bikes and hikers but not motorcycles. The second gate within this grant is for the Buck Lake Trail. The grant erroneously places the gate at the bottom of the trail. There is currently a gate at the bottom of the Buck Lake Trail where it meets the Rubicon. There is no gate at the top of the trail where it meets the TNF trail, currently 03-04-12 (that should be changing to 03-04-12-05 soon). The LTBMU will need to make sure the gate is placed on LTBMU lands not TNF land. I am not opposed to the gate but would hope that the LTBMU will not delay the opening of both gates for any reason. Thank you for continuing to mange our funds that ensure the future of our sport and the access to our national forests. Doug Barr – 4/2/16
I support this grant and would like to see over the snow recreation for wheeled vehicles included in this discussion. Doug Barr – 4/2/16
BRC supports this grant to help fund conservation and trail maintenance activities on designated OHV roads, trailheads, staging areas, and related support facilities within the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. BRC commends the Basin for its new outreach program to the OHV community. This effort is designed to build partnerships and engage volunteers to enhance sustainable motorized recreation in this highly visited area of California. Don Amador, BRC – 4/4/16
BRC supports this planning grant to develop an Over-the-Snow Vehicle Use Map for the portions of the U.S. Forest Service - Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit in California. Since much of the OSV opportunity in the project area is in close proximity to Wilderness and other non-motorized land classifications or uses, development of mapped legal OSV trails/areas is critically important. Don Amador, BRC – 4/4/16