BLM - Bishop Field Office
The BLM already receives federal funding. I do not believe that OHV money was intended for Law Enforcement. My monies should be going towards maintaining the OHV system of parks and creating new opportunities for the tax payers that provide the funding. Dennis Kobza – 3/27/16
Bishop BLM I am curious about the restoration grant asking for money to work on previous restoration projects. Is it that the previous restorations were not completed or is there new damage? I would love to see a grant request for planning new staging areas. Line items for staff seem a little confused. Law enforcement is looking for money for fire prevention patrollers. There is a LE line for a planner that will install signs and erect barricades. Shouldn't these be under ground operations? In restoration, there is a line for law enforcement, shouldn't that go under a law enforcement grant? Restoration is also looking for money for signs and route markers. That should go under ground operations. Law enforcement is looking for money for signs, shouldn't that go under ground operations? There are four categories for grants, each gets a specific amount of money. Inside each category applicants are competitive against other applicants. Crossing categories isn't fair to other applicants. OHV division, what is your take on this? Ed Stovin – 3/31/16