BLM - Redding Field Office
BRC supports this LE grant to fund routine patrol and enforcement of the Chappie-Shasta OHV Area. LE is a critical component to this holistic OHV program in the Lake Shasta area and makes a significant contribution to its success. Don Amador, BRC – 3/22/16
BRC support this LE grant to fund routine patrol and enforcement on over 200 miles of routes in the Chappie-Shasta OHV Area. LE is a critical component to the ongoing success of this area. Don Amador, BRC – 3/22/16
BRC supports this grant to maintain the roads, trails and facilities within the Chappie-Shasta OHV Area. This grant will enhance and sustain OHV recreation opportunities for local and traveling OHV enthusiasts. The unit should be commended for its excellent partnership with local OHV clubs and other stakeholder groups. I toured the area in 2015 and witnessed its cutting edge trail program. They are doing a great job! Don Amador, BRC – 3/22/16
BRC supports this grant request to help fund ongoing maintenance of the roads, trails, staging areas and campgrounds within the Chappie-Shasta OHV Area. This is a highly popular and well-managed destination OHV area that offers motorized trail experiences for all OHV vehicle types. It is one of the few OHV areas in the state that offers substantive opportunity for SxS recreationists. It fills a critical need for this vehicle type. The BLM should commended for how it works in a collaborative manner with local OHV clubs including the Redding Dirt Riders. I toured the area in 2015 and was impressed with their program. Don Amador, BRC – 3/22/16
I have been a local OHV user of the Chappie-Shasta Area since the early 1980's. I have witnessed the development and continued enhancement of OHV trails and infrastructure by the BLM Redding Field Office and it's staff over the years. The managers and field staff have provided a high quality of facilities and service to the OHV community and public at large. I fully support the attached grant proposal sought by the agency and Redding Field Office. Mike Mitchell – 4/2/16