Yolo County
I strongly support this grant application because it will fund the planning of a new county-owned OHV park. Yolo county does not currently have a location for OHV riders to legally recreate, causing illegal OHV-related activities to occur in environmentally sensitive areas and private property. The plan includes provisions for stakeholders meetings and feasibility studies that will allow the project to be moved forward responsibly and with transparency. Behzad Mohebbi – 3/28/16
By its own admission the county does not have any OHV recreation areas so i see no need for the county to have this money. Chris Gallop – 4/2/16
As the executive director of a stakeholder organization, the Cache Creek Conservancy, I support the County of Yolo's application for planning money to study the feasibility of locating an OHV park in the county. My 15-member board supported the OHV ordinance which included the item to conduct such a study. The majority of my board would like to see a ban of OHV use in the Cache Creek. The Conservancy manages the Cache Creek Nature Preserve, a county owned property along the lower Cache Creek. This area is frequently subjected to OHV trespassers who have destroyed irrigation lines and restoration efforts by running over or pulling up plants and by committing other acts of vandalism. At one site alone, the Conservancy lost approximately $2,000 in irrigation lines and restoration work from OHV-related vandalism in a year. Another ongoing and costly act of vandalism at the Nature Preserve is OHV enthusiasts cutting our wire fence in order to enter our grounds illegally (there is no public access on this stretch of lower Cache Creek). Each incident costs about $700 to repair, and happens at least three times a year. There are many other such incidents--including stealing our game cameras we use to monitor wildlife as well as OHV trespassers--which lessens the amount of available funding for restoration work or environmental education. Because of the impact of OHV use in an environmentally-sensitive area and the fiscal impact to my organization, there is a need to relocate this recreation. Once again, I support the County of Yolo's request for funding to study locations for an OHV park. Sincerely, Nancy Ullrey Executive Director Cache Creek Conservancy – 4/4/16
As property owners and taxpayers in Yolo County we support the development of an Off Road Vehicle Park for the use by the many off road enthusiasts in our county. However, due to the mixture of agricultural land and areas of fragile habitat in Yolo County there must be very thoughtful planning in order to provide a park that is environmentally sound. Currently many off roaders use areas that are fragile habitat such as Cache Creek and we have witnessed the destruction that the vehicles produce. Carefull and thorough planning is needed to secure the optimal site so off roaders can have safe fun on their vehicles in an environmentally sound area. Jim and Sally Barrett – 4/4/16