I do not support this grant application. OHV funds should only be used to enhance OHV opportunities. If the Mendocino coast offered a legal, safe place to operate OHV's the problem would largely go away. Brad Seder – 3/21/16

BRC is in support of this LE grant since Fort Bragg is surrounded by private timberland where illegal OHV use is an issue. LE is an important tenet of managed OHV recreation. BRC also understands there is currently no legal OHV opportunity, but remains hopeful that future legal OHV recreation will occur on BLM land (or even private land) in the near vicinity. BRC believes the Fort Bragg Police Department could/should be an important partner when that new area is opened to the public. Don Amador, BRC – 3/23/16

I feel grant money should be spent for opening new OHV areas or improving existing trails and facilities. Law enforcement, while important, should not rely on this type of grant funds. I do not support this grant request. Scott Elston – 3/26/16

I do not believe that OHV money was intended for Law Enforcement. My monies should be going towards maintaining the OHV system of parks and creating new opportunities for the tax payers that provide the funding. Chris Gallop – 4/2/16