USFS - Pacific Southwest Region
I believe this is a great program and should be funded fully. I have worked with the organization before and education is the key to preserving archeological sites. I have seen damage to sites by OHV traffic and with proper education this can be avoided while maintaining recreational use. I fully support this program and continued and additional funding on the benefit for historic preservation is a key to success before the sites and history of California are history. Mark Howe – 3/27/16
BRC supports the California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program and its efforts to educate both motorized and non-motorized recreationists about ways to help protect cultural resources. BRC’s Don Amador took the course last year and was impressed with educational tenets of the program and plans to incorporate the training into ongoing trail stewardship efforts on public lands and to encourage other trail advocates to become trained. Don Amador, BRC – 3/28/16
I support this grant application G15-02-12-S01 submitted by 07-5625859 for the following comments. As a mulit-year volunteer on public lands with an estimated 40,000-hours of cooperative, collaborative, and consensus service (Since 1986) it’s my experience and opinion this grant application will offer the following public benefits: 1. Provide a necessary tool(s) for outreach, education, awareness and a secondary opportunity in a, “feel willing and welcome to participate” as a trusted face-to-face, and or discovered social media invitation for a potential recruitment of future volunteers to have access to approved and guaranteed expert agency interpretation. This support of volunteer site stewards in cooperation with agency support has an advantage of saving money in the proven spirit of, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Furthermore; This is not a law enforcement activity. Other than a simple message from one like-kind user to another, “One may be violating one’s own privileges, or the privileges of others,… Here, check this out.” to share the results of overlapping supports interests (Alliances) and prevention's of potential conflicts or consequences on public land. What line item “1. Volunteer Site Stewards” on page 9 of 19 does not mention in my experience is an easily obtainable third-fold benefit. Further support and access to distribute other OHV grant recipients educational material such as maps, brochures, etc. that include contacts that may help address various public land users concerns. In my experience and opinion individual recreational users are the general public. So, upon initial contact a most friendly approach is to offer an interest creating statement or token of good will such as a map of legal areas to ride. I believe in a hand shake agreement between the non-profit groups to share, utilize, and assist in cross-over/public interest distribution of OHMVRD funded educational materials by allowing the public further access to said materials from “aware” volunteers of other user groups related programs, and educational materials. By no means does this mean that every group has each other’s materials throughout the state. However; on Page 2 of 19 line item B. Relation of Proposed Project to OHV Recreation is in relation addressed: I support this in my own words. My comment is not to suggest that this should be a point criteria on future grant applications. However; an annual proclamation between OHMVRD supporting non-profits and or the OHV industry and may include the local governments provide a public record and transparency of understanding to their members, future members, customers, and constituents a simple alliance to support, (Such as a Proclamation) and, or be a contact/pick-up point for further OHV funded material such as the groups listed on my Nov. 7th, 2001 copy of A Guide To California Off-Road Adventures OHMVRD map under the heading “Your Off-Road Family” . I would like to see a contact for the Ca. Archeological Stewards listed in future printings along with the rest of ‘my off-road family’. I support the opportunity for college students to interact with agency archeologists in interactive efforts to discover if this is a potential future career choice. Page 3 of 19 line item D. Location Of Training Services (Paragraph 2.) “Volunteers trained at a workshop in one location can choose to join an existing team of volunteers at another location that is closer to home or to their recreation destinations.” This shows a true appreciation for the volunteers valuable travel resources! Best regards, Ms. C. J. “Sparkplug” Stewart – 4/1/16
“Because recreation is a resource that deserves to be conserved.” CC: Ca. State Assembly District 67, Riverside Co. Supervisors, Lake Elsinore City Council
As a retired school teacher, volunteer historian, and resisident abutting the Cleveland National Forest boundry. I support this grant application in its entirety. I have personally discovered American Indian grinding stones on the hiking trails connected to my neighborhood with the forest and have reported them accordingly to the proper authorities. In addition I support the potential opportunities for college students to interact with professional archeaologists in all areas of public lands. Sincerely, Mrs. Linda Ridenour - 4/1/16