USFS - Sequoia National Forest
United Trail Maintainers of California fully supports the Sequoia Ground Operations Grant as written. This forest puts in a tremendous effort in supporting its OHV trail system. Beth Pfeiler, UTMC – 3/17/16
I hereby request that you would approve and fully fund this grant. As a frequent user of the Sequoia National Forest OHV areas and trails, I know first hand that the improvements, repairs and ongoing maintenance outlined in this grant application are very much needed and necessary in order to keep these facilities both safe and usable. Phil Pulley – 3/23/16
Not to sound like a "broken record" from previous year's SNF Ground Operations OHV Grant Request comments. But the trail maintenance on the Kern Plateau, specifically the Monache Jeep Road, 34E38, has been nonexistent. Except for limited maintenance done three years ago, nothing has been done to mitigate damage to this road for the most part caused by "green sticker" ATV and Side-by-Side usage. The Forest Service can no longer blame it on the Winters. Their current reasons are a lack of personnel. We don't know if it is funding (although they have receive generous grant funding in the past), hiring practices, fire fighting priorities, loaning of trail crews to other Forest's or other reasons we are not sure. In any case the work is not getting done. We assume that the Grant Funds requested in the past have been returned to the CA OHV for use by others. If the SNF cannot get this as well as past trail maintenance work done, this portion of the request should be denied and the funds allocated to other worthwhile requestors. Dion Salfen – 4/4/16