USFS - Tahoe National Forest
This comment is in support of the Planning YRRD Packer Saddle Grant application. Packer Saddle is used by OHV motorcyclists to access the cherished Downieville trail network from it's eastern edge. Riders from the eastern sides of Sierra County, Lassen County, Plumas County, Nevada County , Placer County, Eldorado County and out of state riders from Nevada and beyond frequent Packer Saddle, mostly for day use. The lack of facilities has not stopped staging at Packer Saddle. However, as user numbers continue to grow impacts to this area will become inevitable. I applaud the USFS Yuba River Ranger District for proactively planning for sustainable use while at the same time enhancing single track motorcycle opportunities. User conflict is minimal at Packer Saddle. Personally, the lack of an obvious designated staging area has lead to some interesting conversations with other forest visitors who are presently sharing the same parking area with OHV's to access the Pacific Crest Trail, some 20 feet away . I encourage the OHV program to fund this and future Grant proposal enhancing this very unique staging area and the trails it serves. Thank you, Steve Davis – 3/20/16
As a trail bike rider i completely support this plan. It will allow better access to the upper trails at downiville. Thank you. Kevin Greene – 3/22/16
I completely support this action. As a user of this trail system this plan will help users have a better experience. I have volunteered many hours for matt and support his work. Thank You. Kevin Greene 3/22/16
I support your efforts to create and open new trails. Gerald Fogel – 3/23/16
This Grant request is a step towards improving OHV user opportunities on the Truckee Ranger District. Establishing designated connections between existing designated routes, camping areas and other popular destinations would make OHV users less likely to venture off system routes. The number of OHV users visiting the lands administered by the Truckee Ranger District continues to increase. Designating additional routes and expanding infrastructure to complement the existing system should be supported by the OHV Commission. Planning for sustainable OHV recreation that enhances user opportunities and enjoyment is consistent with the spirit of the Green Sticker Fund at it's creation. I encourage the funding of this Grant request. Thank you. Steve Davis – 3/28/16
This grant request is a great example of planning to sustain a quality OHV trail matrix in a high use area ( Sugar Pine OHV Area )while at the same time looking to improve this system by connecting existing routes with a combination of new and rerouted single track trails ( Sugar Pine/China Wall/Robinson Flat). Together these proposals will have a significant impact in the overall experience available to the OHV user in this area. The Sugar Pine OHV Area has served the OHV community very well for over 30 years. It is time for an upgrade. Re configuring some trails and rerouting others could reduce maintenance needs and improve sight lines making trails safer and more fun to ride on. The single track trails in the Robinson Flat area and beyond are special. Traversing rugged high mountain terrain on technical single track over extended distances these are without a doubt among the best motorcycle trails in California. Planning for a safe, legal connection with the Sugar Pine/China Wall areas needs to be supported. When implemented this would be a major enhancement to the entire system. The OHV Green Sticker Fund has played a key role over the years building and keeping routes in this area open and maintained. I encourage the Commission to continue supporting OHV use in this area and to enhance it going forward by funding this Grant request. Improving upon successful existing OHV opportunities in which we have already invested large amounts of OHV resources to develop makes sense. Steve Davis – 3/29/16
I fully support this grant. The Tahoe National Forest (TNF) continues to lead when it comes to OHV maintenance. They have pro-OHV employees who genuinely believe in OHV use on the forest. Susanne Jensen couldn't do a better job as the Truckee Ranger District's OHV Recreation Specialist. Every district should have an OHV specialist. The Truckee Ranger District reaches out to users and invites their input and accepts them as volunteers to adopt OHV trails. This is key to maintaining our OHV trails. The TNF Truckee Ranger District is working to ensure all of their OHV trails are signed to match the current MVUM. Funding this grant will provide funds to finish that project. Doug Barr – 4/2/16
I fully support this grant to the point that I brought on several OHV clubs to officially support this grant. This is the kind of forward thinking I love to see regarding OHV. This is a forest working hard to make OHV work better and safer while providing a better OHV experience. Doug Barr – 4/2/16
I support this grant. Although this is not my area of recreation, as a new dirt bike owner, I hope to explore the area. This grant would help make riding safer and more enjoyable for the users of the trails and those driving the local paved roads. Doug Barr – 4/2/16
I support this grant. Yet another example of the TNF working to improve the OHV experience in their forest. The pit toilet and connecting trails will be better for the environment and the users. Doug Barr – 4/2/16
I support this grant. As OHV trails are being closed by the 100's of miles, even in the TNF, here is a plan to look at opening new areas. This would provide a better OHV experience. Doug Barr – 4/2/16