USFS - Tahoe/Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit NF - Patrol District
BRC supports this LE grant for the Tahoe NF. LE is a critical element to the OHV program. BRC appreciates that Forest’s “all hands on deck” approach to LE by the utilization of commissioned Law Enforcement Officers, Forest Protection Officers, Fire Prevention Technicians, volunteers and other staff. BRC also appreciates the Forest’s OHV/OSV program which emphasizes strong public education, user group involvement, adequate signing and appropriate law enforcement action when applicable. This is a good model for others to follow. Don Amador, BRC – 3/22/16
BRC supports this LE grant support to help provide important funding for the OHV and OSV enforcement program on federal lands in Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. BRC appreciates how LE interacts with the motorized community including several officers attending a recent OHV open house held at the Forest Supervisor’s Office. LE will be an increasingly important component for OHV recreation in the Basin as the agency works to enhance its trail program and public involvement. Don Amador, BRC – 3/22/16