Each year OHV money is granted to this office. As is usual and customary their current grant request has nothing to do with OHV recreation. All of the OHV money should be spent in the limited and confined areas in Alameda Co. where a dirt bike is allowed. The sheriff's dept. budget should fund the acquisition, maintenance and equipment related to operation of their dirt bikes. Moreover, the cost to train personnel. William Lithgow - 3/11/16

The issues cited in this proposal are county and city issues that occurs on non-public lands and non-OHV lands. It is not clear to me why the OHV funds should be appropriated to enforce laws within an urban area. Many other types of motor vehicles also trespass and create issues on these lands. Why should OHV bear the cost of such an issue? Bicycle mass rallies have been happening in SF. Street bikes are doing stunts on major highways should this also be the responsibility of the OHV fund? I understand the need for enforcement in forests and designated OHV areas but how can the OHV community be held responsible for the rest the state? I am against any funding for this proposal. Christopher Methot – 3/20/16

I feel grant money should be spent for opening new OHV areas or improving existing trails and facilities. Law enforcement, while important, should not rely on this type of grant funds. I do not support this grant request. Scott Elston – 3/26/16

I do not believe that OHV money was intended for Law Enforcement. My monies should be going towards maintaining the OHV system of parks and creating new opportunities for the tax payers that provide the funding. Dennis Kobza – 3/27/16

I do not believe that OHV money was intended for Law Enforcement. My monies should be going towards maintaining the OHV system of parks and creating new opportunities for the tax payers that provide the funding. Chris Gallop – 4/2/16