Madera County
This is a terrible waste of taxpayer money to support a special interest. There is no plan for this facility. The public has been lied to by the County Board of Supervisors. They say this will bring business opportunity and tax money to the County. The fact is the location bypasses all existing business. Since there is no plan we have no idea how much of the land will be used for so called OHV use or even the type of OHV use. This is another example of government spending taxpayer money on a project that has no ability to fund itself. This County can't afford to build out the property. Please deny the application. Marc Sobel - 3/10/16
It appears that Madera County is not following the grant application as noticed in this document. The County has entered into a contract to purchase the app. 900 acres before any evaluation as to whether this is a feasible project and before bringing it to the residents of Madera county. We were told that the grant was to purchase the 2.3 million dollar property and then they would do the environmental studies with another grant do to the studies and then another grant to start construction. No documents have been generated to identify the approx. total cost of this project Bruce Gray - 3/13/16
The BlueRibbon Coalition, a national trail organization, is in strong support the grant to help fund a planning grant for the proposed Black Hawk Ranch Recreation Area covers 956 acres of foothill and mountain land in central Madera County with anticipation of development of the site into a new multi- use OHV facility serving Central California. This grant will fund special studies required under CEQA to determine environmental impacts, mitigations measures that will constrain development of the proposed OHV trail system,campground, parking, motocross track and site access resulting in the preparation of a Master Development Plan. This part of California is in great need of a local OHV park. Thanks for your review of my comments. Don Amador, BRC – 3/22/16
This is a great opportunity to have a family oriented recreation area available in Madera being so close to our home. My boys are 9 & 10 and they would greatly appreciate having a place to be able to come to ride without having to travel so far. It is good to see the County pursuing constructive opportunities for the community and the economy. I really hope that the special interests and backdoor politics don't get in the way of this grant moving forward. Ken McNeal – 3/23/16
Motorcycling is one of the best family sports that you can do . my entire family rides along with almost every friend I have , I started riding with my grandfather at the age of 6 and I am now 58 . The great thing about a cycle park in the valley is all the money that is spent on gas , food , parts, camping gear, trailers, events , hotels and so on will stay in the valley rather than in so Cal or nor Cal . This kind of recreation gets children out of the house and doing healthy things while learning to enjoy the outdoors and building family ties . We ride every week and would visit this Rec area on a regular basis . Thanks for the opportunity to give my support. Carl Cox – 3/23/16
Madera county is in much need for a place where families can recreate with OHVs. The addition of camping and other proposed facilities will offer the public an easy to access facility to bring their families to spend time together. There is no facilities in the area that offer this type of recreation; Camping, OHV use, MX racing with easy access. These types of facilities can only be found in largely populated area such as Sacramento and Los Angles. This type of facility would be greatly appreciated and very unique for the central valley. David Grogan – 3/23/16
We are a family of 5 actively participating in legal and safe OHV activities. We enjoy spending time outdoors together as a family, something that is unfortunately lacking in so many households today. It would be wonderful to stay closer to our home in Madera County to engage in our family sport. The creation of an OHV park in Madera County would allow us to participate on a safe, sustainable, and legal OHV network. Thank you. Matthew Mills – 3/23/16
This comment in Reference to: G15-03-69-P01 We are a family of 5 actively participating in legal and safe OHV activities. We enjoy spending time outdoors together as a family, something that is unfortunately lacking in so many households today. It would be wonderful to stay closer to our home in Madera County to engage in our family sport. The creation of an OHV park in Madera County would allow us to participate on a safe, sustainable, and legal OHV network. Thank you. Matthew Mills – 3/23/16
I would like to strongly request that the division support this project to expand OHV opportunity here in the Madera County area. This project will provide a place for families to meet and have fun. It will also be a huge economic injection into Madera County and its gateway communities by bringing in tax dollars and revenue into the local economy by providing a safe structured environment to recreate in. Mike Wubbels – 3/24/16
I want to thank those involved for this opportunity to finally have an OHV park in the Central Valley area. My children, and now grandchildren, grew up in an off-road lifestyle. This is such a great thing for families to have in our area. I hope it comes to fruition. Thanks again, Mike Orndoff, Deputy Sheriff - 3/24/16
Madera County needs this OHV park. There is a severe lack of OHV opportunities within Madera County and this project fills those needs. Most of the opposition stems from NIMBY (Not in my back yard) and I can understand but most of these fears are driven my erroneous information. There are numerous OHV parks in Calif. such as Metcalf and they are good neighbors. Traffic generated by the opposition is way over rated and would not be a problem. The Casino on Hwy 41 and the approved gravel operations generate much more traffic than the OHV park. Please support this park, the community needs it. thank you. Larry Langley – 3/24/16
OHV use has been growing in California but the use areas have been shrinking. Please support this project to expand OHV use in California. This park will provide our youth another avenue and opportunity to make positive change in their life. Thank You, Ken Deeg – 3/24/16
I support the Blackhawk OHV Park in Madera County. We need more projects like this. Too many areas are no longer allowing responsible OHV use which is causing larger problems of illegal use or users being so concentrated they are damaging the environment. James Martin – 3/24/16
I fully support the creation of the Black Hawk Ranch OHV recreation area! This will be a great opportunity for family recreation and allow sustainable OHV recreation for several generations now and in the future. Thanks for listening! Charles Stembridge – 3/24/16
This area is in need of additional motorized recreational opportunities. Motorized recreation has grown by leaps and bounds and legal recreational opportunities have not kept up with this growth. I support the BlackHawk OHV Park project in Madera County as an opportunity to provide for this growing demand and hope that you will pursue developing it. Ron Sobchik – 3/24/16
Madera County is in need of additional motorized recreational opportunities. I support the BlackHawk OHV Park project. OHV provides families a place and opportunity for family to recreate together. Rick Araujo – 3/24/16
Being a avid off road rider as well as a local street rider I am in support and excited about the Black Hawk OHV Park Project! This definitely is a must for many FAMILIES who share my passion of riding off road with their own FAMILY members! Keep our kids off the streets and in a safe controlled atmosphere ! Not to mention job opportunities for the park itself and surrounding businesses! Lynda Remp – 3/24/16
I am writing in support of the BlackHawk OHV Park. My children and grandchildren are also off road riders. This park would allow them expanded opportunities to participate in a sport they love. It is difficult to find riding areas. This project will be very beneficial to the off road community as well as the surrounding businesses. Thank you for your support and consideration. Don Remp – 3/24/16
As a family we have ridden off road for over 40 years. one of the things that I have noticed with less land Open to the Public there is more risk of injury with less riding area due to the high concentration of riders in a smaller area. If you ride you must travel long distance to find legal riding areas. this to me hurts our local economy. We buy gas and food at our riding destanation, along with parts or hotels. This is money that leaves our local area. Once we arrive to legal riding zones they are crowded with others from larger communities. This puts people in a tighter area which I find stressful for always having to look around the corner to make sure not going to collide. Now with several grandkids starting to ride we find it higher risk than before when more open riding areas. This is why we need more areas, to promote a safer and relaxing area that we can share the freedoms with our kids and grandkids that we experienced in our past. Please consider the area to promote good memories for all users, bikes, Quads, Jeeps, Side by sides, and Horses. Dave Ogden – 3/24/16
I am in support of the BlackHawk OHV Park. I live in Madera County, and we are in real need of additional motorized recreational opportuities for all people to use. I want to ensure public access to the forest now and in the future. Peter Grant – 3/24/16
Please approve this project. Jerry Jackson – 3/24/16
I truly believe its emphatic that these types of recreation areas be implemented and allow more user friendly areas so all forms of recreation can areas to do what they enjoy doing. Please consider this as a positive step toward achieving that goal. Scott Forward – 3/24/16
I will strongly advise the completion of the Blackhawk OHV park. There is a strong need for clean physical activities for our society. For yrs, OHV'rs have suffered without nearby places to ride. The completion of this park will fill the hole that has been gaping for too long. There are some who question this need. They have a political bent that blinds them to only their needs, and claim that their way is the best. Isn't there room in our society for all to recreate in peace? The Green Sticker program was designed to provide for our enjoyment. We can and do co-exist and are as interested in maintaining a "green" park as anyone else. Lets show the no-believers that it can be done! Terry Higginbotham – 3/24/16
Every year it seems that OHV interest is increasing as families are looking for ways to explore the outdoors together. There are so few areas in Madera County and Fresno County that many people are forced to ride in abandoned dirt lots with little to no infrastructure. Not many people have the time and resources to make it up to the Natioanl Forest trails. This leads to many issues with nearby homeowners and OHV enthusiasts. If there was a park that these people could get to, even on a weekday, many of these issues would be alleviated. OHV riders would much rather ride in OHV parks than random areas splattered throughout the community that aren't appropriate for OHV use. I grew up riding at Hollister Hills SVRA with my family and I'm hoping to be able to do the same with my sons at the Black Hawk Ranch. I live in Fresno County (right on the border with Madera County) and this park would be 20min from my house. It is much more than just a resource for Madera County residents. The Central Valley needs a park like Black Hawk Ranch to encourage the youth to get outdoors and do something positive with their life. Curtis Beavers – 3/24/16
The area is in need of additional motorized recreational opportunities and I support the BlackHawk OHV Park project in Madera County. Jeff McKay – 3/24/16
This area is in need of preserving and providing MORE opportunities for OHV and multi-use areas. I support the Blackhawk OHV park project. Please balance the well funded negative comments with grass roots positive comments like mine. Jeff Jackson – 3/24/16
Hello. I support the BlackHawk OHV Park project in Madera County. Off highway vehicle recreation has a long history in our state and many areas have been closed to OHV recreation over the years. It is important to support efforts that provide viable areas for these activities. Thank you for your consideration and assistance in this matter. Timothy Babcock – 3/24/16
As a Family we have ridden off road for over 40 years. my self only 20 years. One of the things that I have noticed with less land Open to the Public there is more risk of injury with less riding area due to the high concentration of riders in a smaller area. (Just look at Pismo) If you want to ride you must travel long distance (2-4hours) to find legal riding areas. This to me hurts our local economy and Small business. We buy gas and food at our riding destination, along with parts or hotels. This is money that leaves our local area. Once we arrive to legal riding zones they are crowded with others from larger communities. This puts people in a tighter area which I find stressful for always having to look around the corner to make sure not going to collide. Now with several nieces and nephews starting to ride we find it higher risk than before with less open riding areas. This is why we need more areas, to promote a safer and relaxing area that we can share the freedoms with our kids and grandkids that we experienced in our past. Please consider the area to promote good memories for all users, Bikes, Quads, Jeeps, Side by sides, Horses, Hiking, and Mountain biking. and I heard they where looking at installing a PRO Motocross Track in this facility. Have you seen how many thousands of people show up for those events and the kind of money they bring in. Those events are nationally televised. just imagine little Madera on National TV for an event that brings Friends and Families together. I think this location has the potential to be bigger then Hollister OHV, Gorman OHV or even Prairie City OHV. Just because of its Location. Madera already Blew it on not approving the Nascar multi sport complex. Don't Blow it on this Opportunity. John Ogden – 3/24/16
I live in southern California and our ride options are limited to the desert. I enjoy coming to your area to ride as the scenery and trails are incredible. I look forward to continuing this practice and with additional areas opening and others improving, it will make my trips that much more enjoyable. I would appreciate any help towards this end. Thank you. John Bruce – 3/24/16
I would like to offer support for the recreation park in Madera. I think its important for families to have access to recreation in the area, and isn't that what the OHV fees are supposed to provide for. I see legal riding areas under attack for the most part so its encouraging to see the potential for new areas to open. Thank you. Jon Heyliger – 3/24/16
Please approve Black Hawk OHV area. OHV activities are great family sport, allowing multi generational outings and activities. Great for kids to build confidence and self esteem. Also great for supporting business and economic vitality in heneral. Thanks Jim Lubin – 3/24/16
I support the Black Hawk Ranch Recreation Area! We spend a lot of money on OHV registration and that should go towards opening new areas! Mark Moran – 3/24/16
I support an OHV park in Madera, it is common since for the valley, ATV owners now use Holister, hungry valley or pismo. These parks are at least 2-3 hours away. With funding a Central Valley park would divert some of the load from these parks. Additionally the amount of green sticker money that has been paid by Central Valley residents has not remained or been well utilized. There are good responsible OHV users that would support and help with the planning and volunteerism in support of this land use. Robert Adams – 3/24/16
To whom it may concern, Please support the Blackhawk Ranch Recreation Area. New OHV areas are long overdue. The state has added substantial other open and recreational areas, and as a responsible off-road enthusiast, I think the time is right for this project along with the Carnegie expansion. Our numbers are growing, and I think it unwise to crowd onto overidden areas. Not to mention that we have paid OHV fees for years. Other California park users are not burdened with these fees, and I can think of many other reasons that approval is a no-brainer. Any environmental issues cannot compare to rampant development in the state. Sincerely, Jeff Banister – 3/24/16
The area is in need of additional motorized recreational opportunities and I support the OHV park project in Madera County. Nick Burgess – 3/24/16
My family and I support the proposed ohv park and feel it would be a great addition to the county's park system. Best, Steve Thomas – 3/24/16
We need a area to take our kids and grand kids I feel this would be a great location. I do not think this will have a negative effect on the area and a great use of OHV money I live in Mariposa county this would so much closer than Hollister Hills. Robert Jakobsen – 3/24/16
I support the Black Hawk Ranch OHV Park Project. This project will be good for our area for some wholesome family recreation. Please support this project so that it will become a reality. Mary Lou Mazzella – 3/25/16
Please consider this project as public off highway riding areas are very limited in the central valley. Chris Valencia – 3/25/16
I support this grant; it would ease the recreation burden on the land and local population while adding economic vitality and a venue for exercise and enjoyment of the great outdoors." And "I support this grant. Proper maintenance of an OHV area provides a habitat for indigenous flora and fauna better than most other human uses. Gustave Meyner – 3/26/16
As a life time motorcycle rider I seen all the riding areas closed for various reasons. We for the first time have a chance to have a place where I can take my family that is close to enjoy the life style we enjoy. Please consider this grant. It is important Robert Wilson – 3/26/16
The Black Hawk OHV project is needed in Madera County very badly. The area doesn't have a facility like this one. it I a couple hour drive to get to a good safe place to ride dirt bikes. I have been riding dirt bikes on and off for 30 years and have seen lots of the place I use to ride closed. I have paid years of green sticker registration money and none of it that I know of has stayed in my county. it will also be good for the county as it will bring in people from out of town who will spend their money here locally. Thank you for your support Ryan Gutile – 3/26/16
Having an OHV park south of Coarsegold will help the economy of Coarsegold, Madera, and Fresno. This could also ease some of the traffic on 41 north by people going up to the trails at Miami Flats. This park will also help to spread the off road use over a greater area rather than concentrating it in small areas which causes more damage. Carl Cook – 3/26/16
This is so important to the local community for many reasons. There is money to pay for this and great support from riders and families from Madera county and Fresno county. Kristina Wilson – 3/26/16
We fully support this OHV park. Its a great family sport. And passtime. It gets young people out of the house! And away from vidieo games! Please consider this park. It will be a great asset to the valley. Its great family fun!! Thanks. And god bless. Pastor Dan & Lisa Jones..."full throttle ministry" – 3/26/16
Please pass this grant. I am tired of having to drive over 4 hours to any kind of real riding area. Thank You Jeff Ogden – 3/26/16
Please support this grant. We need more open riding areas for families and youth in the Central Valley. Our youth need positive outlets and activities. I am a wife and mother and also an avid rider. We have ridden together as a family for 31 years and our son has had many positive experiences camping and riding together. This is a good thing for the Central Valley. Thank You, Shawn Summers – 3/26/16
I believe the addition of an OHV park will be beneficial to Madera County. There is a large community of off-road enthusiasts that pay a lot of money to the state of California for their off-road vehicle registrations. This community doesn't have anywhere local to ride. The addition of an OHV park in the county would also bring revenue to the local communities. Laura Gutile – 3/26/16
Wow I am excited to have a place to take my family in Madera County. Please complete the funding for Black Hawk Rec Area. Thanks much, Steve Hinton 3/26/16
We have paid into off-road green sticker funds but there are no off-road parks in this area. I've been involved in the sport since the 1970's and have yet to see funds benefitting off-roaders in the Fresno/Madera counties. The local economy would benefit financially. Why should other counties benefit from funds Fresno/Madera county residents have paid. Tom Gutile – 3/27/16
This OHV park will be a great investment to all of central California. Kevin Lango – 3/28/16
Having a designated OHV area in Madera County would be great. The county currently has an ordinance that prohibits riding OHV's on private property if you have less than I believe 10 acres. This is frustrating when you want to take your kids out riding and you cant even ride on your own property. Having a designated area where it is legal and where I don't have to drive an hour and a half to get there would be a great asset to the residents of the area and Madera County. Thank you. Brian Hansen – 3/28/16
Black hawk ranch project is needed to promote family activity and safe area for recreational vehicles. As a 3rd generation of motorcycle family participant and enthusiast, I recognize in order for this type of activity to prosper, areas coordinated and maintained for this use are imperative. My family looks forward to the opportunity to continue our motorcycle legacy and support the Black hawk ranch project. Clark Sumner – 3/29/16
I believe that the Black Hawk Ranch Recreation grant would offer a positive control of OHV activity in our area. Providing this grant would go a long way to prevent random use and damage to our Sierra Forests. OHV use is very popular in our culture and is growing. We need to provide areas where it can be organized and controlled. Hector Bermea – 3/29/16
I support the grant application for the proposed planning phase of the Black Hawk Ranch Recreation area in its entirety. This grant application has generated very positive verbal reviews from members of the OHV community statewide, and I'm pleased to an see an announcement/invitation for the public to participate in this public comment period on the front page of the Madera County website. As a resident of Lake Elsinore, Ca. our city motto is, "Action Sports Capital of the World." Our local economy depends highly on tourism and visitors in the form of multiple recreational and entertainment activities, and it is with no forensic doubt that many studies have been published across our nation regarding the subject of visitors and tourism. The numbers are very encouraging. I look forward to reviewing the details of future grand applications for the next-phases of this project. Best regards, Ms. C. J. Stewart Lake Elsinore, Ca. 92530 "Because recreation is a resource that deserves to be conserved." C.J. Stewart – 4/1/16
I support the development of the Blackhawk Recreation Area. There are many off road enthusiasts in Madera county in the surrounding area that will use the facility Other off road parks such as Hollister bring in several million dollars per year into the county they are located in. A park will be a win for everyone- off road enthusiasts, Madera County, and nearby merchants. Off roading is a activity that enhances the family lifestyle we all are striving for. Richard Andrade – 4/1/16
This project is much needed a especially for winter seasons as the neighboring forest areas are seasonally closed for months. Michael Gaynor – 4/2/16
This area is in need of additional motorized recreational opportunities and I strongly support the BlackHawk OHV Park project in Madera County. Marles Talli – 4/3/16
I'm all for this Blackhawk OHV area being built. We need a good solid location near Fresno/ Madera where new off reading enthusiasts can go to learn, play, practice where it is safe. A place where they will not get stranded. It's a good idea because it gives less "vetted" OHV enthusiasts a place that would be meant for off roading. Enjoying our mountain system trails is a wonderful thing, but I believe many need to learn in a less delicate environment. If we do not allow building of crucial OHV parks it could greatly impact our trail systems that we all love so much. Safer, smarter, more environmentally friendly.. I mean, why not? Seriously? Nate – 3/24/16
We are opposed to the proposed Madera County OHV Park.
- Area is within three miles of our residence potentially contributing to a devaluation of our property.
- Elevation is too low; our annual rainfall is approximately 20 inches, not enough to sustain a year-long green area—summers are long and hot.
- Fire potential is high.
- Noise and dust pollution is a serious concern.
- Traffic control near the Minarets High School is of serious concern for student and public safety.
- The county doesn’t need to be involved in another failed parks and recreation project.
- Potential reduction in property taxes being collected from the site.
- Potential for the area to become a magnet for unsavory individuals occupying the property.
- Increased responsibility for the sheriff and fire department, which is probably unfunded.
Harrison A. Dedmond and Ann B. Dedmond – 3/31/16
See attached letter. Barbara Bigelow - 3/13/16
See attached letter. N. Haris - 3/23/16
See Friends for Madera OHV Park petitions. 4/4/16
I am writing in opposition to the proposed off-highway vehicle park in Eastern Madera County for the following reasons:
- Of the proposed 900 acre site, approximately 30% of the site is too rocky and steep for the intended use.
- The location is between two major population centers, one being a public high school and the other being Yosemite Lakes Park subdivision. The additional traffic will create negative issues (traffic congestion and additional challenges with young drivers) with these two existing facilities. A major concern is increased danger associated with the egress and ingress off of Highway 41 in this location which is a highly traveled Yosemite National Park route and only a 2-lane highway in this location.
- Asbestos is reported at the upper elevations of this site and will have to be either mitigated or not used. An extensive geologic survey of subsoil to determine presence or lack of presence of asbestos would have to be conducted.This creates an additional burden if fire approaches these areas due to the inability of use of common firefighting procedures with asbestos. This would result in additional and excessive firefighting costs.
- In this location, water resources are limited. Therefore, dust mitigation will be problematic and/or expensive.
- Dust/air pollution will affect all of the neighbors and especially Minarets High School students and the nearby Yosemite Lakes Park residents.
- Noise issues will undoubtedly negatively affect the High School (both indoor and especially outdoor activities) and neighboring property owners.
- Blackhawk Mountain is a known Indian cultural and archeological site. Off-road vehicle trails will disturb these sensitive cultural and archeological sites on the mountain. This is of particular concern to many local families of Indian heritage in Eastern Madera County.
- Ranching neighbors surrounding this location are concerned about the negative effects of noise and dust to both their homes and their livestock and also the potential safety concerns if fences are taken down/damaged and livestock travel onto roads/highways.
I, and others, circulated petitions opposing this OHV location for submission to the County of Madera and obtained hundreds of signatures. This proposed OHV park location is of significant concern to the local residents of this Eastern Madera County area.
I urge you to deny the request from the County of Madera for state grant funding to purchase the Blackhawk Mountain ranch property off of Highway 41 in Eastern Madera County. Ned F. McDougald - 4/4/16
See attached letter and petition. Barbara Bigelow - 3/13/16
See attached letter. Central California Yokuts Nagpra Coalition - 3/29/16