Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office
I have lived in Santa Barbara County for 47 years. I support the Santa Barbara County Sherriff's Department in its efforts to curb illegal off-road riding in the Santa Ynez River. This problem has gotten out of hand and now in addition to damage to private property and the environment, there are safety concerns as riders camp, drink and make large bonfires in the river, even during fire season. There are many threatened and endangered species which live along the river environment. Many properties are damaged by vandalism and litter. Please approve the grant top the Santa Barbara County Sherriff Department to enhance enforcement efforts along the Santa Ynez River. Thank you. Brian Trautwein - 3/8/16
I am a resident of the City of Lompoc and frequently use the bike path, trails, and riverbed to exercise my dogs. There has been a significant increase in trash and waste along the riverbed, as well as campsites (fully eradicated tents with living areas and BBQ's). Several times, I have nearly been hit by subjects riding their dirt bikes along the trails. After the rain, 4 wheel drive pick up tricks even drive along the trails, making it dangerous for any pedestrian in the area. I feel that an increase in law enforcement presence is the only way to quell this problem. In it's current state, it is not a safe environment for the residents who want to enjoy what the bike path/riverbed has to offer. Karen McCormick – 3/29/16
I do not believe that OHV money was intended for Law Enforcement. My monies should be going towards maintaining the OHV system of parks and creating new opportunities for the tax payers that provide the funding. Chris Gallop – 4/2/16