On August 2, 2012 the OHMVR Division hosted a professionally facilitated focus group meeting at Jawbone Station Visitor Center. Approximately 25 people participated in the focus group meeting. Focus group participants had the opportunity to hear presentations by OHMVR Division staff and representatives of The Nature Conservancy, National Audubon Society, United States Marine Corps, and Friends of Jawbone regarding the proposed acquisition. Participants shared ideas and concerns to the entire group. Participants were then divided into small groups. At the end of the discussion period, each small group reporter presented their findings to the entire group. Some of concerns raised include:
- Expansion of wind energy development
- Potential loss of OHV recreational opportunities
- Protection of natural and cultural resources
- Impacts to current cattle grazing operations
- Improving environmental compliance on existing trail systems
- Using a transparent process with local involvement to acquire the land
Focus Group Meeting Comments Summary