Resource Management
Consistent with the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act of 1988, the condition of soils, wildlife and vegetation are continually monitored by park staff to determine if soil loss standards and habitat protection plans are being met. Through this monitoring process, changes (such as erosion or wildlife population variations) can be tracked and action taken to mitigate problems. From time to time certain trails or hill climb areas may be fenced off or closed in an effort to protect wildlife and restore habitat. These closed areas are often replanted with native plant species to repair and rehabilitate those areas damaged by recreational use. By taking an active approach to resource protection, Carnegie SVRA is now at the forefront of resource management within the state's many OHV riding areas, a status OHV users can be proud of!
To protect Carnegie’s plants and animals riders must stay on existing trails and avoid vegetation. Remember, your chance to ride depends on good resource management and the continued support of the many OHV users who ride Carnegie.
Senate Bill 249 on Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation of 2017
Resource Management Areas (RMAs)
In 2009, Carnegie SVRA partnered with the Water Resources Control Board to reduce sediment in our waterways and improve water quality. Resource Management Areas were created to rehabilitate small sections in the park by planting seeds for vegetation and creating sustainable trails. There are now over 10 RMAs in the park and have helped us improve our water quality.
RMAs are trail only areas and signs will announce if you are in an RMA. We ask visitors to avoid going off trail as it disrupts the rehabilitation process. This leads to this area being closed for repair before it can reopen again.
Learn more from Storm Water Management Plan Brochure
Thank you for staying on trail!
RMA Rehabilitation Process
Harrison Hill before rehabilitation process. Hill climbing has stripped away the vegeation and increased loose sediment which can enter our creek and reduce the water quality.
Harrison Hill during the rehabilitation process with new vegetation growth.
Harrison Hill with sustainable trails that will allow loose sediment to be directed into the vegetation and prevent it from flowing into our creek.