VI. A.  Minor Capital Outlay Budget Proposal list - posted 5/15/06

       1 - HV Shop Parking Lot Repaving - posted 5/15/06
       2 - HV Double Restrooms - posted 5/15/06
       3 - OD Single Restrooms - posted 5/15/06
       4 - OD Vehicle Wash Rack - posted 5/15/06
       5 - OD Vehicle Storage - posted 5/15/06
       6 - OW Residence Area - posted 5/15/06

VI. B. Six month response to auditor - posted 5/15/06

VII. A. Opportunity Purchase of Freeman properties - posted 5/14/06
        Trust For Public Land letter - posted 5/15/06
        Vicinity Map - posted 5/14/06
        Area Map - posted 5/14/06
        Detail Map - posted 5/14/06

VII. C. 1. & 2. Major Amendments to Scope, USFS - posted 5/14/06

VII. C. 3. Minor Amendment to Scope, BLM - posted 5/14/06
        Revised Project Costs/Deliverables - posted 5/15/06
        Original Project Costs/Deliverables - posted 5/15/06