Native Grasslands Management Area

Before the coming of the Spanish, large areas of California were covered by native perennial bunch grasses. The grasses adapted to an annual cycle of burning and regrowing, but could not withstand the heavy grazing by the herds of cattle and horses introduced by the Spanish and American ranchers and the tilling of the soil to grow crops. Most of California's native grassland areas disappeared once non-native plants species were introduced.

Despite the many years of use for farming and ranching, Hungry Valley is home to one of the finest examples of native grasslands remaining in California today. The OHMVR Division is committed to managing and preserving the native grasses. Large areas of the park are traversed by a system of well marked trails.  In both the trail use only area and the Native Grasslands Management Area, motorized recreation is allowed only on designated trails.  These trails are marked on the park map and are evident by signs and trail marker.  Please support the SVRA's management program, and help ensure continued OHV use in these areas for years to come by staying on the trails.