Ocotillo Wells SVRA Receives California State Parks’ Program Award

Ocotillo Wells SVRA Receives Olmstead Award PhotoCalifornia State Parks Director Ruth Coleman announced the recipients for the 2009 Director’s Recognition Program Awards, in a ceremony held on May 19, 2010, in Sacramento, California. The California State Parks, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division is proud to share that Ocotillo Wells SVRA's Interpretation and Education Program Team was awarded the Olmsted Award for Leadership and Vision.

The Director’s Recognition Program is a statewide program recognizing exceptional performance and outstanding accomplishments by individuals and teams which further the mission, goals, and values of California State Parks. The Director’s Awards go to those who distinguish themselves for their extraordinary achievements.

Ocotillo Wells staff was recognized for their exceptional work in developing a creative and comprehensive Interpretation and Education Program. The Ocotillo Wells Interpretation and Education Program, under the guidance of Superintendent Kathy Dolinar, and Environmental Scientist, Steve Quartieri, and their team of interpreters, park aids, seasonal aides, and volunteers, successfully developed and implemented a variety of innovative programs for children and adults.

Ocotillo Wells’ interpretative programs and exhibits include interactive desert, animal, bug, and flower exhibits, a stargazing/astronomy program, unique and relevant desert interpretive publications including trading cards and natural history desert guides, wildflower hikes, oil exploration history and tours of Ocotillo Wells, photography workshops, geology jeep tours, off-highway jeep tours, a Junior Ranger Program, and the highly successful first annual “Roughneck Rendezvous” geo-caching event. The Roughneck Rendezvous was the first geo-caching event in the California State Park system. It was a fun-filled weekend including an off-highway geo-caching scavenger hunt, interpretive programs, guest speakers, movies and BBQ.

By introducing creative and interesting programming at the SVRA, this team combines education with adventure for the off-highway vehicle community. California State Parks commends Ocotillo Wells SVRA for their innovation. Moreover, Ocotillo Wells staff carry out their duties with dedication and collaboration, and their efforts have effectively contributed to the overall success of the SVRA’s education and outreach efforts. Ocotillo Wells staff has distinguished themselves as a committed and passionate team, worthy of the Olmsted Award. Clearly, this Award demonstrates that hard work and passion can provide park visitors with lasting experiences that will inspire them for a lifetime.

Congratulations to the entire staff at Ocotillo Wells SVRA!

For additional information, please see the California State Parks Director’s Recognition Program Awards News Release.