Adventure Trail System of the Eastern Sierra Inc.

We are not going to rely on the good nature of the people who will be riding over our sacred lands. In my life which is not that long, I have seen areas that were if not pristine, then not over developed. This program will create a place for deep disrespect to the first people of this country. The pre contact areas of the eastern sierras is Modoc Land. I am a Modoc and I think that my family has watched non natives walk, ride and destroy our beautiful area. Please do not increase this destruction by allowing the riders of ATV''s and other off road vehicles. It is bad enough that the Military will once more be on our land destroying it in the name of the US army. Please stop, and respect us please. Lari B Witt - 3/7/17

OHV activities are a significant part of the tourism that supports the economy in the Eastern Sierra. This Grant will help to enrich those OHV activities via organized routes with associated maps and signs. Please approve this much needed Grant. Mike Johnston - 3/9/17

OHV activities are a significant part of the tourism that supports the economy in the Eastern Sierra. This Grant will help to enrich those OHV activities via organized routes with associated maps and signs. Please approve this much needed Grant. Thank you Raul Hidalgo - 3/9/17

I believe that this grant will help enhance the existing roads and trails in the Tungsten Hills and the Buttermilk areas. It will help provide guideline for users, provide guidance for users in selecting routes to their abilities. There some excellent opportunities for recreation, stewardship, and educational activities to learn about the geological history of the area, spectacular photographic opportunities as well. This is an excellent project to enhance the recreational opportunities of this area of our state. As we have seen with the Poleta Open area east of Bishop, which is part of this grant as well, carrying on with maintaining that area, continuing that success story that State Parks and Recreation has helped to do. It will help with the local economy, through the provision of these opportunities of access, Which will allow people from around the state, as well as from other states to come visit and see what awesome places can be found in California. Glenn Clark - 3/9/17

I like to off-road in one of the areas proposed and think signage would help make for a funner experience, as well as protecting areas not meant for off-roading use. I am both an outdoors person, and a conservationist. I think this is a wonderful idea. Lori Young - 3/9/17

Having recreated in the Eastern Sierras for over 25 years prior to moving here,10 years ago, I feel that it is in the best interest of all involved , that management and maintenance of the off road opportunities be left to the local jurisdiction. They have an understanding of the local needs and impact that is created by area visitors. Our/their interest is in managing these areas to provide a long lasting and enjoyable experience to all who come here to recreate. Please provide us/them with the financial needs to do so. I am a member of the Eastern Sierra 4x4 Club and believe strongly in keeping these areas open and accessible to current and future generations. Thank you for your time. Jerry Fie - 3/10/17

I live in the bishop area and have recreated up in the Tungsten Hills for years both on horse back and in vehicles the snow and rains this year and the elements have made a lot of problems for the area it needs work and they could use your help to get the area safe for use. I think this is a very good project to help people recreating in these areas. I hope Adventure trails can get some help with this. Annie Putnam - 3/11/17

I support this grant. The adventure trails program is a way to insure OHV access to areas in the Eastern Sierra. It provides guided access, making off-trail use less likely. It offers signposts and map boards so that those not familiar with the area can navigate better. It opens areas of scenic, historical and geologic interest to those unable to access these places without motorized aid. Please approve this application. Steven Adler - 3/13/17

This is a very worthwhile project and should be funded. It will provide excellent value to recreational opportunities in the region. Creating 3 loop trails, with signage and maps in the Tungsten Hill/Buttermilk Trail area will improve the quality of the recreational experience for our visitors. Well signed trails that are properly maintained with available maps will encourage users to stay on the approved trails and reduce off-trail excursions thus improving the recreational experience for all users. By using and expanding existing infrastructure, this is a grant would be a value multiplier for both the USFS and the BLM as resources that would have been used for monitoring and maintenance can be devoted to other beneficial projects. The handicap toilet ("porta-potty") at the Poleta parking lot is not just a simple convenience to visitors but is essential to maintaining the environmental (and health) quality of the area. John Shepherd - 3/13/17

This application is of the type that enhance the taxpayers recreation activity in the area. I hope to see more of this each year for many many years. Joseph Harvey - 3/14/17

I have seen nothing but area degradation since OHV use has been extended. I don't mind money for parking lots and bathrooms but I would like the trails decreased- not just better signage. I don't feel that riders are responsible. Lois Alexander - 3/22/17

I support this project because trails support communities and healthy lifestyles. Without these projects, our trails would fall into disrepair and become unsustainable. Additionally, these projects create local employment opportunities, the ability for volunteers to get involved in giving back to our trails, and growing economies through recreational opportunities. Thank you for making these grants available for these projects. Tyler Frasca - 3/24/17

First off I'd like to thank you all for helping make the trails in the Eastern Sierras phenomenal. I look forward to going up to the Sierras every year not only because it's the great outdoors, surrounded by awesome rivers and tons of huge redwoods. Also because of the great biking trails that you have built up for us to all enjoy! I really really appreciate everything you guys do for us and it truly means alot to not only me but my co workers, and everyone who rides these awesome trails ! Can't be thankful enough. Maybe someday we can setup something to have the Santa Cruz Bicycles Factory race team which I'm apart of to come help build trails and maintain them with you guys. Keep up the hard work, can't wait to see the trails this coming summer ! THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! - Forrest Findsen - 3/24/17

I support this project because trails support communities and healthy lifestyles. Without these projects, our trails would fall into disrepair and become unsustainable. Additionally these projects promote health, community and family life. This project creates local employment opportunities, and serves as medium for community involvement; recreational opportunities help to support the community and the economy. Thank you for making these grants available for these projects. Bob Hollander - 3/24/17

I see this as a backdoor and possibly illegal attempt to expand the pilot Adventure Trails project into USFS lands, notably the Buttermilk area. The Adventure Trails project , is controversial and divisive. I recall that the Inyo Forest Supervisor sent a letter to these guys a couple years ago stating that proposed Adventure Trail routes on USFS land were not permissible in the absence of environmental impact statements. How then can they now propose to sign additional routes on Forest Service land? I live in Starlite Estates which is an inholding of private land surrounded by USFS land, immediately adjacent to affected areas. I walk on public lands every day and I am continually distressed by ongoing illegal motorcycle riding activity and damage done to public ecosystems. The local OHV community, specifically including Adventure Trails, Inc, have never demonstrated real interest in promoting responsible recreation through education or signage. They give lip service to such in the grant application but there is a culture of reckless use here. It is a mistake to promote increased OHV use in this area until such time as promoters and users demonstrate shifts in attitude and focus. I and those of our neighbors who are paying attention are concerned that proposed new route maps will draw increasing numbers of riders right to our community, adversely affecting our quality of life and property values. The grant application greatly exaggerates the presence of land agency officials and their ability to provide stewardship. The areas here are vast and personnel few-the agencies are badly underfunded and unable to protect and maintain our public lands. I rarely if ever encounter BLM or USFS personnel in the field. The damage done over the past 10-15 years in the Tungsten and Redding Canyon areas by irresponsible and illegal OHV use is a disgrace and a damn shame. Our public lands are supposed to be for multiple use but unmanaged OHV recreation is so profoundly destructive as to adversely effect the biological quality of the areas and the quality of other recreational pursuits. The only local OHV-related activities that should be supported by grants at this time are increased enforcement, education, and stewardship (closing and restoring illegal routes). Tom Boo - 3/27/17

There needs to be adequate money in the grant for Adventure Trails System to monitor and maintain the trails due to the large amount of run off this year. The BLM and Forest Service will need all the help they can get to maintain roads and trails. There will need to be adequate signage to to designate those trails that are motorcycle and ATV only, motorcycle only and those open to all. This loop program is a great idea and can help reinforce "Stay on the Trail". Mike Johnston - 3/28/17

This grant proposal should be approved and fully funded. Our area is a playground for Los Angeles and OHV activities are a significant part of the tourism that supports the economy in the Eastern Sierra. This grant will help with the management of the OHV resources in our area by providing opportunity and accurate trial information to the public and is a good use of our "green sticker" funds. Thank You. Patrick Woods - 3/28/17

The Adventure Trails proposal of mapping and signing 3 OHV loop trails in the Tungsten/Buttermilks area is a problem because the biggest loop, on the Buttermilk Rd., is mostly not legal for OHV use. So it's not even clear what they are proposing. Why do they want to map and promote a loop that isn't legal? And shouldn't be. That would be a terrible road to encourage/allow OHV use on because it already gets alot of climbing, camping and hiking use. Adding and attracting more OHV use with it's attendant dust and noise would really impact an area that's already heavily used. Clear signing of what's legal where would be helpful, it's complicated back there. And of course maintenance and enforcement; but would just funding the NFS to do all that be better? Mechanized sports should be separated as much as possible from nonmechanized, not plunked down in the middle. It's too beautiful an area to turn into a motor track. Susan Greenleaf - 3/29/17

I am in favor of approving this grant that creates signage @ maps for the Buttermilk/Tungsten areas. In my travels thru these 2 areas it is often difficult to determine if you are on legal roads or not. More signs/maps will help alleviate this important issue & help make the areas better for all. The outdoor toilet over in Poleta air also a great thing, this grant should help assure its future viability & continued maintenance. Additional signage & maps in the Poleta area will also be valuable & encourage people to do the right thing. John McVicker - 3/30/17

I am in favor of approving this grant for Ground Operations for Adventure Trail Systems. One of the benefits will be to create more & better signage @ maps for the Buttermilk/Tungsten areas. We want all visitors to stay on legal trails and roads. In my travels thru these 2 highly visited areas, it is often difficult to actually determine if you are on legal trails or not. More signs/maps will help alleviate this important issue and make the area better for us all. Also the current toilet over in Poleta is a great benefit and this grant will help assure its continued viability. Additional signage & maps in the Poleta area will also be valuable and encourage people to do the right thing. Nay sayers that want to take the easy way out by completely blocking off access to trail riding are just wrong. The ATV community is actively pursuing ways to upgrade training, signage and proper maps of our... and I stress 'our' recreational areas. We should encourage visitors to our area...not discourage. The long term benefit will be there for us all. John McVicker - 3/30/17

After reading Eastern Sierra Adventure Trails grant applications, I see their good intentions. However, no matter how many signs, maps or well designed trails there are, there is a percentage of OHMV riders who will carve the landscape at their whim. And it only takes a few to make permanent scars on arid land, not to mention the destruction of plant and animal habitat. Therefore, the Forest Service and BLM personnel must be on the OH trails making their presence known, making contact, educating visitors and locals alike - whatever it takes to convince OHMV riders this land is for trail use only. I would also firmly suggest that the license number on OHMVs be larger and more visible. Joan Nash - 4/1/17

Certainly signage and education of riders is important, so I can hardly argue with those aims. I do have some concern about the "loops" that will be signed. The Buttermilk Road itself is part of those loops, and in its current state, I don't think that is wise. This road is heavily used, without shoulders, and visibility is often poor. Stream crossings is also a concern, as the stream side environment is already being degraded. Harold McDonald - 4/3/17

 Dear Comment Reader; This letter addresses a concern arising primarily from the 2017 grant request of Adventure Trails. But it also tangentially concerns every agency who has applied from Inyo County except the Death Valley. The concern is that the centerpiece of A.T.s request is Buttermilk Road. Almost every OHV entering the Buttermilk area will be from the Buttermilk Road entrance. B-Road is the artery from which all the tributaries making up the recreation area begin. B-Rd is closed to OHVs. It is not a dual use road. OHVs must be trailered into the B-Rd area and unloaded on the desired tributary. But this law is neither posted for the public to see, or enforced, and I don't find any reference to do so in any of the Inyo County applications. I don't see any mention from A.T. to replace the sign at the beginning of B-Rd, which was put up by the USDA who knows how long ago and is unreadable. A.T. would have the people living in Owens Valley, and yourselves, the grant readers, believe that the whole idea of the signage, maps and educational materials they are asking you to finance was to convert Owens Valley OHV use into an organized, safe, sustainable, and law abiding activity. Allowing illegal activity on the main access to the entire Buttermilk area calls into question not only their application, but other applications as well. Neither of the two law enforcement requests address it. They are all allowing A.T. to take the lead in this million dollar aggregate request and, to my knowledge, all except Death Valley are winking at this situation. Here are a couple of reasons why I think this problem threatens the success of your investment here. After much bitter back and forth between advocates and detractors, an agreement was hammered out with the Board of Supervisors that allowed for 7 dual use routes in Inyo County. B-Rd is not one of them. If B-Rd is not clearly marked as off limits and the law prohibiting OHV use on it is not enforced, opponents to what your unlimited resources are trying to do to our valley will scream bloody murder and the BOS will have to step in. Yes, there is a lot of resistance to OHV expansion here, contrary to what the grant writers would have you believe. We don't mind our neighbors doing what they want with the vehicle of their choice, but we resent very much their invitation that hordes of others come and join them. Also in the mix is an agreement between A.T. and the Center for Biological Diversity. A.T. fended off a lawsuit from CBD three years ago by agreeing that no new roads will be added to the seven before the end of the Pilot Program, which has now been extended to 2020. Non-posting and un-enforcement of B-Rd can be seen as a play by A.T. to add another route. CBD is keeping a close eye on the situation. I see two constants in every grant request from our County. One, a statement that a large increase in OHV activity in our county is expected and the applicant needs their grant approved in order to prepare for it, and two, a promise to create, promote, and insure a respect for our land and the laws thereof. I believe winking at illegal activity at the most fundamental level reveals an insincerity to these requests and is asking for big trouble. Thank you - Dan Connor - 4/3/17

Hi Marty, my name is Sharon Connor.  I was at the open house a couple of weeks ago 3/16.  First, thanks for hosting the open house, it was helpful.  Since we are in the comment period I thought it would be a good idea to put in my comments to the Forest Service, the BLM and the county, in writing.
My comments to each of the entities was that I think it is a very bad idea to invest in an OHV economy,  the dream of the Adventure Trails project.  A significant influx of OHV's is only going to scare away our tourists who count on the Eastern Sierra for its serenity and a chance to commune with nature.
I understand that the Forest Service has a multi use mission.  But motorized vehicle recreation is the only form of recreation that is absolutely incompatible with any other.  So there needs to be a very significant buffer zone between OHV's and other forms of recreation.  OHV recreation also leaves a far bigger footprint than any other on our landscapes, and this has to be taken into account in the balance.  I am in favor of restoration projects and monitoring and patrol on existing routes.  And signage may be helpful.  But we have all seen signs of damage where dirt bikes go off into the brush, which is clearly not on any route.  The more vehicles we have, the more damage we will have, even it is a small percentage of users who don't follow the rules.
So while I realize we have an enthusiastic local OHV community and some tourists who come from out of town, and that's fine,  I would be against any effort to expand/promote OHV tourism in the Eastern Sierra.  Thank you--Sharon Connor - 3/30/17